In the name of God the Merciful blog post visible on the march, which will be held on 12 February 2011 Continued the second part of the floor and where to respond to some of Ujijub and commented on here and is of Algerian stock is here Read More »
Egypt, Tunisia, Algerians Beware
Download now or listen on posterous Warning algeria.amr (890 KB) Sounds blog post about the events taking place in Egypt and Tunisia, Algerians message to a post by Mobile Nokia X2 Read More »
What Ahmqkm O Arabs what Ogbackm
In the name of God the Merciful really means no matter what happens and no matter what happens, the Arabs do not understand the lessons not the lessons of history and do not actually lessons and described the permanent tradition stupid and turning a blind eye facts , It is unreasonable that people are Arab in this extremely stupid Oh people we are in 2011 Astvicoa , These demonstrations that you are doing them and this stupid vandalism will return ... Read More »
Hey French Foreign Minister Bnsaúg Keep yourself !
In the name of God the Merciful, we went out and the French foreign minister yesterday and all the insolence and malice display of governments in Tunisia and Algeria Services Bolesha which Taatdei that has experience in the face of such demonstrations This is dangerous talk and blatant encroachment on the sovereignty of our states Read More »
Algeria protests right for the wrong
In the name of God the Merciful, many of what the protests, which affected Algeria since last Wednesday may wonder 5 January and plunged the country into a dangerous spiral of violence claimed the lives of hundreds of wounded and some dead , Protests inability analysts interpreted the finest and most famous TV channels , Some of these protests, called the mistake hunger revolution ridiculous name of Arif fact it , Will recount ... Read More »
Wikileaks in the service of Israel | New Testament.
In the name of God the Merciful since the advent and explosion of a bomb site Wikileaks I am skeptical of the reality of this earthquake media politician who seems in a comprehensive phenomenon just to expose governments facts, especially the US government, but a little bit so call in the content of the documents do not find any document which is the mystery reveal secrets of the Israeli occupation . Read More »
Do you protect Arab countries debt?
In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful In light of the painful blows that we witness every day in Muslim countries in their own homes, including Christianizing and secular and revisionist paganism and individual and semi-collective attempts by honest men to defend the fundamentals and constants of this Islamic religion among society I wonder where is the state of all this? Read More »
Have you heard of something called the Arab-Islamic empire?
In the name of God the Merciful bring my little brother, who moved this year to the second year of the new secondary school books , And which fall within the new curriculum , I looked quickly and I browse Connie love history I took a history book and began to read and began intro which was the introduction boring free of any stimulation or something useful and increase all of this mediocrity in order to ... Read More »
Revolution O Egyptian people are the solution ... !
In the name of God the Merciful what you happen for heaven's sake? We destroyed our feelings and our hearts what you Dhakm O footprint Egyptians . Where popular leaders and thinkers and intellectuals and theorists in this nation ,Taatkhalon for the duty and obligation of this footprint , We offer you excuses but not now and not a thousand ... Read More »