Monday , 3 March 2025
Home > Internet > Video barrier fake terrorist who signed an unarmed policeman killed in Tizi Ouzou

Video barrier fake terrorist who signed an unarmed policeman killed in Tizi Ouzou

The name of God the Merciful, after I read in the Algerian daily Al-Nahar that sad story which talks about the killing of an unarmed policeman at the hands of terrorists Ntnin cowards in a fake checkpoint on the road to Tkezirt searched for the video on the Internet until I found I present to the readers of my blog and all Algerians to know who they are really terrorists are terrorists Bastards and cowards …Oh Ohrgahm and displaced by the Lord. Amen.


I leave you with the video

كان هذا رابط الفيديو لكن تم حذفه من طرف يوتيوب ؟ youtube=

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About خالد ميمون

Algerian blogger. Technical Adviser in Communications , Interested in the technology community and religion, Codifies irregularly in a blog Daily Mail , With expertise in the areas of : Communications , Networks , Servers ,Web design dynamic and customized solutions, Lennox systems and open source software.


  1. Not God's curse on these terrorists ..
    God saved us, them !

  2. There is no God but Allah, Muhammad is the Messenger of God
    God's curse on terror Coward !!

  3. Name of God.:
    Not around and do not Gu, but God Almighty
    Oh this cowardly terrorism that every goal and extremely destination tarnish the image of Islam, which is a great Briye innocence of the blood of Joseph Wolf, begrudge the Algerian people both eyes closed and both A.
    We ask Allah for good health and safety
    Oh really show us the right to grant and his followers
    Muslim people of Algeria and Arabism belongs acute said its origin or Matt said was a lie

  4. There is no power but from God.

  5. Who are these and what their origin and separated?

  6. Dogs Lord Atoalakm 10 Dogs against man 1

  7. No to terrorism, no to terrorism, no to terrorism in our dear country

  8. God damn Kharijites religion called Jihad in Muslim countries and kill the soul which Allah has forbidden except the right and you wherever we Toajdtm lookout.

  9. To you, O God, the enemies of God…Jihad devil .. Oh God, you have them..

  10. God's curse on these mercenaries firewood hell Kfar terrorism dogs of hell There is no power but from God.
    Will be gathered together with Pharaoh and Korah, and Sharon, God willing you will see O Muslims
    Our religion is not a religion of peace bloodshed “So he called upon the prayers of God's advocates on the doors of hell
    God bless you, martyr of the nation brave cop God guide us Aaaaaamin.

  11. I'm from Tunisia to Aalah but Allah, Muhammad is the Messenger of God. And God is haram you to nominate yourself Mujahid Hedda my father was killed by brother in Islam with regards.

  12. God's curse on them

  13. God is worth more than that, these are the servants of France and defenders of the tyrant Bouteflika and positivism provisions and warriors to the religion of Allah.

    God Save the Mujahideen Algeria loyal Kid Alkaúdan and enabled them from the necks of those who have fallen sold their religion and their offer in return for a few dirhams.

    My dear brother Khaled I hope that your brothers the Mujahideen data relay and will know the truth and I hope that does not Taatqly false news from local newspapers.

    Like Aatzazak the religion of Islam and you do not boasts of any other slogans, though you also check with your beloved brother.

    Is demanding arbitration law and sacrifices himself for the religion of God we call a terrorist and outdoor penitential ????

    Read about the Kharijites and their attributes and will know that they are not Bjuj no rogue.

    I advise my brother to pursue platform Tawhid and Jihad site is subject to a great benefit if Allah wills

  14. Do not cascade to God, this !!!

    Who are you to them in hell Respect yourself and Fear Allah and do not exceed your limits swear you will be asked what you wrote on the great position

  15. Praise be to Allah, and the consequence for those who fear no aggression except on the oppressors either after Those who belong to al-Qaeda or Jihad are only seeds Kharijites dogs of hell read the Qur'an not exceed the sublime pass through the religion as Imrq arrow from the bow evil of mankind before God and those who killed him pay and Habib Rahman said upon him blessings and peace, because caught up to Aguetlnhm killed returned and are qualities that I mentioned earlier stipulated by the Holy Prophet, as well as of their qualities are killing the people of Islam and pray for the people of fetishes Do Algerian security in all its types do not witness that there is no god but Allah, God forbid all Muslims infallible blood, money and the offer but like fools follow Droudkel do not understand in religion nothing but fancy and delusion is not permissible for them to get enrolled to Salafism because they are innocent of them and they Brouae them, God forbid, to be the predecessor did such ugly Falhm of terrorizing and bombing and killing that you call Jihad Flakm clearing house of the Holy Prophet of Allah and Ibrahim Younis, land and peace be upon them from the door of a first or as the poet .assad Ali and in Naamh.vtha wars fleeing whistling Whistler. and finally guided you, O God said Ahmed His upper suspension and finally I O We seek refuge with you from blindness after guidance and insight of the error after

  16. You are the servants of France O Ahmad 12 You are a dog sense of the word you're killing me worthy of TVU you vive l'algerie and God

  17. If you believe that Bouteflika and rulers who replaced the Muslims pray to Allah that Imitk on religion and Ahacrk with the Day of Resurrection.

    Lula Mujahideen loyal to the Crusaders entered the house and violated your offer as it does in Iraq now.

    Long talk with advocates Salafi worshipers of America and Israel and the Arab rulers Okhozahm God

  18. Thank you, my brother bouira on high moral character enjoyed by This shows your origin and Mnpetk.

    France is from befriend her slave like Bouteflika and others who followed and walked to his approach.

  19. Any Mujahideen O Ahmed Atzma who kill innocent Mujahideen !!!!!!!!!!!!!Struggling brethren in Hama is jihad ????????????? whatever is Arab Muslim

  20. Peace, mercy and blessings of God ,,,,

    My brother bouira right word must say it Is your government control laws of God Almighty Muslim government? ” End up eating white bull ”

    Beloved brother, God willing will not write characters I find here in the balance Siiati the Day of Judgment will not write anything but good and the victory of the right and Oallah not nothing to me or sentences, but God gave me the mind and honored me with him to distinguish between good and evil and between truth and falsehood.

    Committed the most heinous crimes in Algeria in the past on behalf of the Mujahideen at the hands of France and Oaanha and God and yes agent.

    Sit down with yourself and think about what my brother gets around you do not listen to this or that and see the data the parties, listen to what he says and see Mujahideen Do you say good or invent a people . Is it sacrifices himself and made cheap for God deserves our libel and insult?

  21. ahmad12 @ thank my brother Ahmed to make your views here in my blog, but I want to tell you something you seem like many in Algeria Grtkm resonant to the words of the terrorists cowards use religion as a cover dirty crimes lesson deeds, not words, my brother, we are all good at talking, but what is actually happening on the ground , In addition, an unarmed
    No one disagrees that the regime in Algeria corrupt nor religion has not invoke what is God, but not so the change, my brother, if you mind manage it really as you say with the greatest of respect for you Did you notice that terrorism since the beginning did not touch any of the dens of corruption, but fighting
    Change much bigger than you think change planning, patience and scrutinizes strong science and broad solidarity and compassion and faith …
    Terrorism, the only concern is money and the chair only and do not have even one iota about how to judge they are not worthy to him
    People follow their rulers and not vice versa
    You in the caliph Omar bin Abdul Aziz, a good example of how he managed in just two years, the people of the path of change was in before the corrupt and Magna and Wu to the best lesson community here
    Let us make of our history and the time of our mistakes

  22. Peace be upon you… I watched the video this morning Would Whitney not seeing it delete it immediately and could not comment on it, but at this time…
    I have several observations…
    Terrorists were called Algerian people people traitor and collaborator with entangling government and the infidel.. Today, after despair and Anazamanm named them Muslims..

    Began to imagine myself and I'm the driver of this bus or car or truck that… I could not complete the imagination, which has become limited for some time, contrary to what it once was…

    A member came and probably will come after me, “Ahmad” I do not know where he came from this name you see like an official spokesman for the Mujahideen “God Ghalib!! Who kill innocent people only”.. Location came oh I wish I was not named Tawhid and Jihad, but a platform for tyrants and ignorant who put themselves above all Muslim, and consider their faith brutal doctrine of the people of Paradise… The Mujahideen true understanding of Ahmed Yassin, the Ezzedine al-Qassam, Hassan Nasrallah, Khaled Mashaal, Ismail Haniyeh…..

    Finally, O Members ask God to guide them because they do not know something… Rahm still Bébé

  23. Peace be upon you… I watched the video this morning Would Whitney not seeing it delete it immediately and could not comment on it, but at this time…
    I have several observations…
    Terrorists were called Algerian people people traitor and collaborator with entangling government and the infidel.. Today, after despair and Anazamanm named them Muslims..

    Began to imagine myself and I'm the driver of this bus or car or truck that… I could not complete the imagination, which has become limited for some time, contrary to what it once was…

    A member came and probably will come after me, “Ahmad” I do not know where he came from this name you see like an official spokesman for the Mujahideen “God Ghalib!! Who kill innocent people only”.. Location came oh I wish I was not named Tawhid and Jihad, but a platform for tyrants and ignorant who put themselves above all Muslim, and consider their faith brutal doctrine of the people of Paradise… The Mujahideen true understanding of Ahmed Yassin, the Ezzedine al-Qassam, Hassan Nasrallah, Khaled Mashaal, Ismail Haniyeh…..

    Finally, O Members ask God to guide them because they do not know something… Rahm still Bébé

  24. Bannoura Joseph @ God bless you brother Yusuf done as I said, were still Baby

  25. Hello beginning we must know right from wrong to judge the right that those who are called as mujahideen or terrorists and pearls infidels or clients,,, Everybody sees that his way is the first right sees it jihad and it is the duty they have to change the rule in the country and the government believes that it should have to serve this country because it is a divine Secretariat First we Algerians certainly with the right but the right reasons just hope you get me well we with Palestine did not and do not and will not recognize a state in its territory and any Muslim people was, or even a non-Muslim oppression we are with him and your brother that was right or wrong must hand lift the injustice Vovernmtna aware of what do we build in our country which we in the path of jihad, God willing on comes the day that promise ourselves and our strength and unite the right word Nasrallah will come authorization of the Almighty and know that these Almazll if they did not love this country because Flo both this but they have to understand it is their country and we are their people. if we did not love them when invited them for the right to jihad is not this the way you should serve our country and unite as one hand Vrcolna not initiated in this vein, those who smuggle drugs across the desert and Afghanistan, which has become a transit country her and kill innocent people, and even the beasts that if I spoke to had the right did not bring them up to our religion and they must have known the way right and return to their land and their families. We are ready to share the with you what our government and gave you everything but given you unless you give us, we are one people Enough of blood polytheists or infidels must treat them Belhassen to know our religion and us America what it does to decipher conflicts around the world and help the needy, as you know we are more deserving to do because of our religion urges us to him, but we will not Ngtsb right whatsoever as they have done in Iraq, Wu said long road ahead of us because we did not do what we created for him, and in the latter pray to God to guide us to the path of truth and accept our companions that Praise be to God and to God

  26. Peace be upon you, O woe kill the protectors of Algeria military and police officers and say Jihad
    But the big account when God

  27. God is great …No terrorism in Algeria, my brothers, terrorism is terrorism of the state that you want to silence the voice of right in every way in order that clients Aabash France (But God, what remained on the right Dhour little)

  28. Thank you,
    The God that Alarhabiyaan their seducer Assado mountains as a result of Hakrh and marginalization practiced them by clients France (((Sarkozy's sons and traps and Owoowoo de Gaulle…..) France malevolent on the sons of Algeria Liberal

  29. Terrorists are ashtray Parliament and Dmm Alandal of people in order to chair the briber ((Stales Rkhos Rahm the bucket constitution for their interests and Zaid on Hedda Zorro Alantakbat advantage Magulwh 120% ))Klaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaab

  30. Hello ..alarhab Yeh brothers supported the Jews against the backdrop of understanding of Islam, using all means in order to Atkhalso Muslims and manual cutting is Sept. 11 2001 Where in that incident missed attacks 400 Jews How do you explain Hedda claims he Bladen actor but God and how he himself Agkhr Mnfd Jews plans???
    God guide them and guide us…Amin

  31. Information on the absence of 4000 Thousands of Jews during the attacks are false information and hope you do not listen to all that is said and published without the knowledge of nonsense …

    Be sure to see this link

  32. The whole world said this of you, if you believe Ahmed 12

  33. In the name of God, thank God, and peace and blessings be upon the Messenger of Allah, and after..
    Self-killing, which Allah has forbidden except large right of the greatest sins, and maximize the offense and intense guilt when these are self-insured breath, there is no doubt that the sanctity of Muslim blood is greatest when God -taaly- Of the sanctity of the Kaaba, but the demise of the minimum lesser God than kill a Muslim, has frequent conversations function on this sense of intimidation and where what deters have a heart or hearing a martyr.

    Virtue says Dr. Hossam Afanah -ostaz Islamic Jurisprudence at Al Quds University Bvelstin-:

    There is no doubt that the sanctity of Muslim blood is one of the greatest of privacy when God Almighty and killed infallible self is a major sin has received many of the book of Allah and the Sunnah of His texts Muhammad, peace be upon him, which indicates that the mismatch verse {Do not kill the soul which Allah has forbidden except the right and kill oppressed has made us Loulé authority is not extravagant in the killings that he was Mansora } Al-Isra verse 33.

    And says {And whoever kills a believer intentionally, his recompense is Hell to abide therein, and the wrath of God upon him and prepared for him a great punishment } Nisa verse 93.

    He says: ( And who do not call god with Allah Eakhar not kill the soul which Allah has forbidden except the right not to fornicate and who does it receive the punishment be doubled to him torment the Day of Resurrection and he will abide therein in disgrace ) Al-Furqan verses 68-69.
    And proved to talk about Anas bin Malik may Allah be pleased with him, said said the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him sin or asked about the sins he said polytheism and killing oneself and disobedience to parents, said Shall I not tell the biggest sin, said false speech or perjury, said he and more Division I think he said perjury) Bukhari.
    Abu Hurayrah may Allah be pleased with him that the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him said: (Avoid the seven sins were told O Messenger of Allah, what are they said polytheism, magic and kill the soul which Allah has forbidden except eat right and wealth of the orphan and usury and Administrating Day crawl and tossed chaste believing women Algaflat) Bukhari and Muslim.

    Ibn Umar said: Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him (The believer will continue to have a religion that did not hurt blood haram) Bukhari and transfer Ibn Hajar al Sheikh Ibn al-Arabi as saying: Leeway in religion good deeds capacity even if the murder was narrowed because they do not meet Bozarh , The break in the acceptance of forgiveness of sin, repentance, even if murder was increased acceptance ] Fath 12/233.

    Imam Bukhari narrated from Abdullah ibn Umar may Allah be pleased with him said: (The dilemmas of the things that is not a way out for those who sign the same without the shedding of blood Sacred dissolved) Al-Haafiz Ibn Hajar:[ Saying ( One of the dilemmas ) Open waw and ra, Son of the owner and told that he is in the novel silently ra and right a stirring collection of trouble silently Alra a person is said to perdition signed in trouble in any thing it does not survive, Has been interpreted in the news by saying that there is no escape for those who sign the same. Saying (The shedding of blood) Any Aracth meant killing him in any capacity was, But what was originally the blood spilling across its.

    Saying ( Otherwise resolved ) In the report of Abu Naim ” Without the right ” It is OK to utter verse, Is suspended on Ibn Umar is extracted from Ibn Umar raised as though the understanding of the fact that the killer is not in a space that implicates himself Vohlkha ] Fath 12/233-234.

    And Abdullah bin Masood may Allah be pleased with him said: The Prophet, peace be upon him said: (The blood of a Muslim who testifies that there is no god but Allah and that I am the Messenger of Allah only one of three: Divorced adulterer and self-esteem and Leaver's religion Junctions group ) Narrated by Muslim.

    Abu Hurayrah may Allah be pleased with him that the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him said:( Muslim brother does not oppress him nor forsake him nor Ahakrh ... every Muslim is forbidden for a Muslim blood and honor and property) Bukhari and Muslim.
    Ibn Abbas, may Allah be pleased with him that the Prophet, peace be upon him said ( Comes the killer murdered doomsday Nasith and his head in his hand and blood Oodajh Tchkb say this kills me, O Lord, even Idnyh from the throne ) Narrated by al-Tirmidhi, who said that a good talk properly as a modern Albanian brand said in Saheeh Sunan Tirmidhi 3/40. And other texts that show the greatness of self infallible.

    If it is decided that the sanctity of Muslim blood sanctity great enough that, according to intimidate scary in shedding the blood of a Muslim unlawfully fields doubt that the sanctity of Muslim blood Introduction to the sanctity of the Kaaba, but the sanctity of Muslim blood is greatest when God Almighty and the demise of the world has responded to talk about Abdul (Minimum lesser God for the demise of the killing of a Muslim man)Narrated by Tirmidhi properly as a modern Albanian brand said in Saheeh Sunan Tirmidhi 2/56.

    According to another report from Bara 'ibn may Allah be pleased with him that the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him said: (Minimum lesser God for the demise of the killing of a believer without even Smoath that the people of his land and the people involved in the blood of a believer of God brought them to the fire)It is also true modern Albanian brand said in Targheeb 2/629.

    And Abdullah bin Omar, may Allah be pleased with him said, I saw the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him cruising the Ka'bah says: (What Otaibk and best Rihk what extol the greatest Ahramtk and whose Hand of the sanctity of the greatest believer in the sanctity of God you money and blood and thought it only good) Narrated by Ibn Majah and horses mark in Targheeb 2/630.
    Considered the son of Omar may Allah be pleased with him one day to the house or to the Kaaba said that extol the greatest Ahramtk and insured greatest sanctity of God when you) Narrated by al-Tirmidhi.

    The talk, which referred to a liquid (To demolish the Kaaba stone by stone is easier than killing a Muslim)‏.
    Sheikh Ajlouni was mentioned in the detection of the rough and said [Said purposes - any Sakhaawi – Did not stand by this wording, but its meaning when Tabaraani in small Anas lifted (Of hurting Muslim unjustly as if the demolition of the house of God)And so on is one of the companions that God bless him and looked at the Kaaba, he said God has your honor and your generosity and bone and insured greatest sanctity of you ] Revealed the rough and remover modern costuming No. 2086.

    The bottom line is that a Muslim was killed unjustly is a major sin and sanctity of Muslim blood is greatest when God Almighty and the demolition of the Kaaba, but the lower the lesser of the demise of the God of Muslims killed unjustly.

    God knows

  34. Five imperatives that unanimous nations of the earth from the day God created Adam to play time, save lives and not to abuse her, but stressed that the punishment in the punishment of kills wrongly in this world and the hereafter:

    Fkabh in minimum loss of the same, it costs the same as other.

    He says in the first punishment:
    ((We wrote them in that self-esteem and eye for an eye, nose, ear, nose and ear and tooth for a tooth, and wounds retaliation self it is ratified by the expiation him and not judge by what Allah hath revealed, they are wrong-doers)) [Table (45)]

    This verse, although it was revealed in the children of Israel, it is fixed in our right, because if initiated by us did not violate embarked, he embarked us on the right of the sayings of scholars, and place of this Study in the science of jurisprudence.
    However Osagha not here for the extraction of independent, for we have in the book of Allah and in the Sunnah of His Messenger, peace be upon him and in actual and anecdotal consensus of the nation, which leaves no room for doubt in it, as he says:
    ((O ye who believe! Retribution in the dead heat-free and slave slave, and the female is a female pardoned him of his brother's something followers of the Promotion of Virtue and the performance of the charity that ease from your Lord and a mercy it is that he may assaulted after a painful punishment (178) And your life in retribution, O men of understanding, that ye may be cautious)) (179) [Cow]
    In an interview with Abdullah bin Masood may Allah be pleased with him, he said: The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him: (The blood of a Muslim who testifies that there is no god but Allah and that I am the Messenger of God only one of three self-esteem and divorced adulterer and junctions of the religion of the group leaver) [Sahih Bukhari (6/2521) And Sahih Muslim (3/1302)

    And punishment in the afterlife

    And punishment in the afterlife by the wrath of God and eternity in Hell [With the difference between the Sunnis and the Kharijites in the sense of immortality enunciated in detail in another subject]

    He says: ((And whoever kills a believer intentionally, his recompense is Hell to abide therein, and the wrath of God upon him and prepared for him a great punishment)) [Women (93)]

    In an interview with Abdullah bin Masood may Allah be pleased with him, he said the Prophet, peace be upon him said: (It is not the same but it was unjustly kill the son of Adam, the first of which ensured, first because of the age of first murder) [Sahih Bukhari (6/2669) And Sahih Muslim (3/1303)

    And we forbade God mujahedeen in the way of Allah for the killing of the sword raised over his head on the battlefield, once saying: There is no god but Allah.

    He says:
    ((O ye who believe, if you strike Vtbinwa for God's sake do not tell anyone who gave you I'm not a believer in peace Tbngon display life When God spoils as well as many of you before it is God you Vtbinwa If God is what you do expert)) (94)) [Women]

    Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him was admonished, bucking the matter before coming off, though Mtoola, as in an interview with Osama bin Zaid may Allah be pleased with him, who said: We sent the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him to heartburn, Vsubhna folk Vhzmnahm, I am a man and a man from the Ansar them and suffered when Gshenah, said: There is no god but Allah, Refrain Ansari him Aftanth Bermha even killed him, and when we have reached the Prophet, peace be upon him, he said,: (O Osama Oguetlth after what he said there is no god but Allah?!) I was Mtaoma still repeated, so I wished I did not converted to Islam before that day” [Sahih Bukhari (4/1555) And Sahih Muslim (Sahih Muslim (1/97)

    And the transfer of commentators, for tender for bin Abbas in the verse: ((And do not tell anyone who gave you I'm not a believer in peace)) He said bin Abbas: Was a man in his booty, he said, Muslims Vlhakh: Peace Tafsir Ibn Kathir you killed him and took his prey God, come down in that ((And do not tell anyone who gave you I'm not a believer in peace)) [Great interpretation of the Koran many of Ibn (1/539 -540)]

    This means that it is not permissible for a Muslim to kill a human being unjustly, if indicated it appeared any presumption of likelihood to be a Muslim, and her expression came in verse: (Those who gave you peace) This basic principle is that the Muslim slogan, and the possibility that the owner is a Muslim, not a justification to kill him.

    Including how his ancestors – Who does not know the first of them to force change - Muslims, grew up in a Muslim country resides prayer, paying zakat, fasting Ramadan, and pilgrimage to the Sacred House, and is committed to the provisions of Islam, in a Muslim country from the era of Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, it lawful for those who believe in God and his book and His Messenger and the other day, !

    Prophet has warned of God be upon him of terrorizing the Muslim Muslim to his brother, even jokingly, as in an interview Abdullah bin bulk bin more than his father and grandfather, he heard the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, says: (Not taking any of you belongings of his brother, a player is not serious, … It took a stick brother Fleurdha)

    In an interview with Ibn Abi Layla said: “Tell us the companions of Muhammad, peace be upon him that they were walking with the Prophet, peace be upon him, and he slept a man of them, some of them went to the rope with him took him blown, he said the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him: (Is not permissible for a Muslim to frighten another Moslem)
    [Hadeeth in Sunan Abi Dawood (4/301) And see Sunan al-Tirmidhi (4/462)]

    May not be recognized in the law of God was killed unjustly and intimidation, as well as dhimmi.

    And every reason grieve and hurt of the Muslim must keep away from him, which is haraam
    Narrated Abu Huraira said: The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him: (God said to me from Normal and Leah has Aznth war) [Sahih Bukhari (5/2384)

    And hostility may be in the heart, without significant harm, there is no impact appears, the harm is apparent is significant, that is, if without the right arises from the returned and indicated by.

    And the guardian in the eyes of al-Shara is insured, it was explained in the book of God, where he said:

    ((Not the friends of Allah there is no fear, nor shall they grieve. (62) Those who believe and are cautious (63) Human them in this life and in the Hereafter no changing the words of God is a great win)) (64) [Younis]

    If all of this [Murder, abuse and intimidation] Haram for a Muslim, we do not know what argument these young people who deliberately kill Muslims in their homes, whether they are civilians, young and senior, or military people to keep their safety in towns and villages, streets and deserts in their sleep?!

    That is true that the Prophet, peace be upon him, he said: Abu Hurayrah said: The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him (Who killed himself in his hand Bhdidp Vhdidth Atojo in his stomach in Hell for ever and ever, and drinking poison and kills himself is Athsah in Hell for ever and ever, and the deterioration of the mountain, killing himself is deteriorating in Hell for ever and ever) [Sahih Muslim from Abu Huraira, (1/103]

  35. @ Novelist God bless you my brother on such a large response, which I think it does not have the heart of a neighborhood has not got a clue Helms at the top does not absorb its meaning

  36. And all the world says that the Jews are oppressed and the owners and the right of Palestinians to live with them, it is incredible Hey Mztoul !!!

  37. They have health terrorism as long as Algeria serve the Jews and the Americans, especially France

  38. I know that some cowardly terrorism now they are reading this video, I am a policeman I live in Oran Hassi abrogated that ye men of God come in and Kalkm O cowards What is the guilt of this cop Amapkm very poor in the Day of Judgment

  39. God Erpgm Aheatin you to Stu Mujahideen you kill innocent soul and you call for jihad

  40. Jihad is to fight the infidels and not Muslims who say I testify that there is no god but Allah and Islam Ajuj you deserve the worst death

  41. You kinesthetic not deserve to be a Muslim, even defending the terrorism that kills without dispersing You Aajuj for the true religion of Islam, you will not pity for pregnant women who killed the children in Btonh they did not see the light of the Near how can you say that the gendarmerie and the police and army kinesthetic, but they are defending

  42. You Payne Jaen oh one terrorist even encourage your brothers treacherous cowardly terrorism

  43. You, Ahmed 12 you an idiot and a coward does not know religion origins of Islam, which became Hotamoh Aaljbina Islam in the West consider terrorism…….. God Kalkm Íaarhab coward who kills everyone in his way……. Jihad in Lebanon and the Philistines against Jews and not in a Muslim country Algeria

  44. Do not speak in the name of Islam O you cowardly

  45. Oh you cowardly Ahmed 12 Atistahl only to death, but that translated stone to death…. I advise you to follow the religion of Islam, which advocated tolerance right .

  46. Algeria ye would of men united in religion and must be Alsawwad goal is to top

  47. There is no power but from God. We are all Muslims and Algerians

  48. Crushed those who let down debt. Great God, I am surprised at how them to kill unarmed Muslim man and God and how it will meet There is no power Aballah. Arad that labors / Fight / Vord Palestine and how much is the first of many citizen wanted to repent, God will forgive whom He pleases and punishes Mnecae and Dalammer to Houhdh

  49. Yakrdh and Eachnazer O vampires Iwo religion does Hedda . Messenger(P.) It was not to recommend the young and the elderly killed .hacha I Hecda Maantm Islam, but Jews and customers in France as part of its project to eliminate Algeria. A person who claims that these pigs on the right Valivhb to the land of Jihad, the likes of Palestine and Iraq ;Khaled Meshaal ..nasr God and the martyrs who loved them as God Haka.las these dogs Qtaao roads …

  50. Lord and Kilkm

  51. le tororirsem nepa biane

  52. Algerian state is seen by killing poor people and make them terrorism

  53. Post your thoughts Khaled!!!

    We do not know the legal provision for the deployment of such videos

  54. Joseph Baaloj @ thank my brother Joseph on the advice but do not think that there is a problem because I'm not rooting for terrorism here, but show people how these groups target civilians and I think that these groups may regret deeply regret for this video publishing who has never served on the contrary, increased aversion

  55. You call the jihad for Allah and Hada is a big mistake, God of Hell, to dwell Golo Amin, O Lord,

  56. God's curse on the cowardly terrorism ..oallah Matfloh nothing to do with Islam something O sinners…You are the cause of the crisis and the reason for what is happening in Algeria from the accumulation of these multiple lesions.. Pain Tgtsaboa women and children are Had..olm Tqthelo.. And Senate… Ah the Mujahideen Mujahideen Liberals 1954 …Alas Wa on Algeria a million and a half martyrs… God's curse on terror and those who are standing their side of the traitors ….Long live Algeria no matter what we put where Grandpa and immortality to the martyrs and the righteous…

  57. Thank you brother Joseph for giving us this opportunity . Here ye Ahmed client 12 And the name of God, that Hama loss Vic and in like the curse of God be upon you full
    I swear to God, ye not for the whole world to the animals had entered Islam ……. Huhtoa the image of Islam and Muslims ……… Hey monkeys .. Hey pigs ……. God's curse on you in the first two and others ………. And to my knowledge of the claims you my predecessor, I ancestral fathers and grandfathers ………………………………………………………………….

  58. O brother Ahmed Din those designated by the Mujahideen unite Is God ? And any scholars issued a fatwa to jihad in Algeria ?I advise you Bmrajat Fatawa Albanian Algerian strife bar .

  59. You are downright slaves cow Do you think I'm not a Muslim you believe in yourselves infidels ordnance how much I wish I could see you in hell have you missed the time of repentance dogs, pigs, humans are not animals you

  60. God bless you . After Tbept rabid dogs in the mountains and claim they are being killed in the way of Allah and jihad in order to claim the right word Ward to void them are not in Andallah wage .fletbu their seat of fire

  61. Dogs Fire Stop evil; the whole scientists and the public that you are terrorism; fools dreams; dogs people of Hell …..

  62. The Halaa mercenaries Dmoaon are hungry for God's authority Amahehm over this land call themselves Mujahideen any Jihad that killed and out of they want from the sect fought God malicious God's curse on them and Alyomthalhm Tahahnh dogs Lord Hovena including day Amsham and Ansfhm of this good earth Almertoah the blood of martyrs

  63. Peace be upon you
    In the first of each opinion secondly we have to know the reason for the rise of these men of the mountains, I mean it's not out of the blue and the person to feel offended and humiliation and humiliation would consider revenge, of course, this wrong thinking but that which occurred and still Iqa.opalnsph for the police not all of them like some Among them tyrant and those who are not so .
    Shall not murder may not be injustice can not kill our brothers and say this is not Jihad Nhakr compatriots and after we say the number of suicide bombers increased the number of crimes was killed policemen …. All of this generates terrorism are Muslims and we do not have to curse and disbelieve each other and we have to hear both sides to know the truth and there is no person who does not sin.

  64. May God guide you kill your brothers under the pretext of jihad Kilkm my Lord and God and yes agent

  65. God will grant victory to victory only

  66. No derogation from the Guardian as he did Kharijite

  67. O ye of dogs humans kill honest, you're not only monsters and cowards and Kharijites woe to you when Tmton will Tlqon hell, army and gendarmerie and police noble and innocent and honest, God be merciful both fell in the cause of God and the homeland .

  68. Mahda O cowards you, but dogs will not wear Algeria into mourning special forces lying in wait as long as your colleague in the special forces Biskra greetings to all colleagues

  69. To God and to Him we return O Alarabhab you cowards Anmt such as running dogs you Jews and Zionists, the President Mr. Abdelaziz Bouteflika's national reconciliation and given you the amount of money even Tstkaroa with your families but to Yemen tells Zaburk Hey David ye terrorism Tqt terrorism your place in the fire ………. We are an independent country that does not want the problems of children like you struggled Mujahideen for the home and from the fire, you just go to hell, Clalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalab that God and that we shall return to him

  70. No to terrorism
    And Hanna Maak Maak Bouteflika

  71. You are not only traitors Ttanon in Hedda innocent people, God damn all who kills Zakia without the right to kill all of you are undermines there is no god but Allah Fmada do you respond against Islam, Atqo God and repent May God forgive you, fear God and in Hedda innocent people .

  72. O cowards, you may not kill the faithful, God is enough and yes, the agent, this is your ignorance deserves and rang the mercenaries who Grroa you and Dfokm to kill the sons of Jldtkm, jihad is not in the people of Algeria Liberal We are Muslims and believe in spite of your nostrils, you are traitors who are living on sucking the blood of the poor . ” Why did not God helps you if you are right and you stay Turkdon wild like animals from mountain to another, you can not even go down to the city ” .
    They did not learn from the lessons and after that the Algerian people has revealed counterfeit Hakaguetkm and Gdrickm him, and Tantzerov Do you pray that you will to power, that's what did not and would not dream of doing so in a dream
    – I wish I could go back to Hdkm and give up on this option, which was imposed on Oktherkm and not about and does not force only in God .

  73. Peace and mercy of God be upon
    First of all things, that terrorism is not cowardly to him Ddan

  74. No No No to terrorism ,That God is everything to Kadeer.

  75. Reply to dog Ahmed 12.
    If you were in front of me, my dog ​​Mzktk ah also rips your brothers the Mujahideen, you dog , I do not speak much, but I do and if you're a man Give me your address and you'll see ya Dyot

  76. The enemies of God, the mercy of God our innocent martyrs and income vast paradises, O Lord of the Worlds

  77. We terrorism with right or wrong

  78. Peace be upon you that these Madfien for these Alarhlpin They either clients or stupid religion are killing innocent children and defenseless they originally Jews claim to be Muslims and Islam is innocent of them, mostly ignorant of Aevgahon thing Rasahm all working under Almossad to Amada to Aadhabon brought to Palestine and struggling God and Jihad understand Halal Halal and their day …………………..

  79. These terrorists kill not only honorable Algerians and their struggle Jihad also void and tell your dead in the fire and our dead in Paradise Peace be upon you

  80. The reason for the rise of these is love of the world and its desires are preying Caldiab understand everything that comes before them of the elders .atefal.qguat security Almtaddh.alta ensures the comfort and security of the citizen, my Kharijites fire Mawakm 2010..

  81. Suffice God and yes, the agent in you, you dogs that you came Mujahideen or protected the men on Palestine ….

    _antm Dogs

  82. US Alrrah financing

    Who wants to learn more about the malice and hatred for Jews and Muslims, Islam should read the history of the fall of the Ottoman Empire and the hypocrisy they have shown the false represented Islam

  83. Please How can I watch the video and a thousand thanks

  84. God and yes, the agent sufficient for the spirit of your soul Look fact been so Hecak O my Lord Aaitiho Vic Hey Makhlouf day Aaitiho Cash Vic and Ladd is haram for me as you like

  85. In the name of God the Merciful

    Peace and mercy of God

    Of the door and prepared for them : They began Jihad

    There are those who have been brainwashed and the rest of the world understand the misfortunes of them won the won and fled Fjoda something named Jihad Frul it hopes that they might succeed in the Vsilwa

    The biggest jihad is the jihad of the soul .

    My brothers in religion could not live in society reformer let it be valid

    War between the two both say there is no god but Allah

    Killer and slain in hell

    Only attacked unjustly

    Oh God, tergiversate, unjust oppressors and brought us forth them unharmed

  86. … Lord save every Muslim and a Muslim from these devils No. mercy nor the religion of Allah Almighty. = God and to Him we return =

  87. Above all I want to say that Algeria safer and our love and all of the touch Kramtha it dog son of a dog means that terrorism coward I am the secretary Kami say to all Algerians Kono one hand and Nthsda for all Khon for those who want Zerb Asthagrarb homeland Habib Algeria God grant victory to the national army Hobeieyeeyeaeyeeyeeyeeyeeyeeyeeyeeyeaeyeeyeeyeeye

  88. The right word in the right Sahafh..nat
    On behalf of Mr. Abdullah Omar star
    Wednesday morning 20/06/2012 In a hotel “Algeria” Algiers, in the presence of a large number of young men and women and a number of media set up office “Sahafh..nat” Algeria in a friendly and CICI “The first of its kind” Members and between fans and associates and employees in Sahafh..nat Due to the large number of inquiries about the journalist relationship Mr. Abdullah Omar and the Algerian star power? ” Some think that the defense Sahafh..nat for the National Gendarmerie and the Algerian police and some officials, governors and others caused (The sisters and ) But the good Orbiter and the owner of the big heart and the yoke of thought and after a review of the journey and the history of the journalist Mr. Abdullah Omar star undoubtedly aware and do not doubt that the policeman or gendarme or any official and the governor is the son of an Algerian Algeria and makes sure that pen and voice and image Professor (Dricka..hrti..wala..mder..mracb..ozyr..jenda..msaol….) And alert to the seriousness of hatred that creates grudge and hatred and hatred between the Authority and the people resulting in violence and intolerance and extremism and is transferred very clearly what their Algerian police and National Gendarmerie and the Algerian authority of efforts and a distinctive and effective action to combat crimes and protect …And everyone should know that the field journalist difficult task ..alostaz Abdullah when he talks about the policeman or gendarme or soldier or the governor or minister or official, he does not write or just talking about the capital or Annaba or Setif or Oran or Tiaret but transferred the case of conditional or “. The meeting was attended by Hani Whit..bbah Twati..baheejh Ramadana..dnaa Salama..ahmad.b..hisham.. توفيق..تركي..جابر..فاروق..نزار..يوسف..بهية..فريدة..هبة..يونس..ياقوت..يامنة..يعقوب.. غازي..اسامة..مروة..كلثوم..مريم..الياس..كوثر..بشار..عالية..زينب..بسام..طارق..عصام..خالدية..وسام..عمر..مصطفى..اية..عبد Almnam..bshir..johrh..enaimh..khald..rashid..tahir..matz…………. The number of participating States( Thirty state ) . To join Sahafh..nat where honesty and truth and fact evidence (Sound and image documents) Where the information documented and reliable .. and to follow all our business and our services Us To follow the news and interviews and investigations and achievements journalist Professor Mr. Abdullah Omar star Almterpa months on the list of press recognition site Google personally. Visit the site and Google in the search box just write the press Abdullah Omar star.

  89. God damn الإرهاببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببب

  90. Terrorism does not have any link to jihad , And each of even sympathize heartily is one of them , Jihad in our time is the jihad of the soul is inclined towards evil 'Those who believe that terrorism is the Jihad of the worst of people said about them as the master of creation God bless him and grant him peace , You like the Kharijites disbelieve who is probably assented you , Who is warded perhaps you 'is probably afraid of that walk on the ground and have stepped ant and is not sure God hold him accountable on this Ant , Arab perhaps for fear of leaving no man's land . Not to know that the demolition of the Kaaba best loss of the spirit of God , Pain know that the Holy Prophet, peace be upon him and cried when he passed him and said,…Spirit of God leg shot and not guided by .. Allah Allah .. I am a simple policeman employees and by a policeman, I can tell Algerian free grandfather Prince Abdul Qadir and sheik Mohammed Belcaid Tlemceni .

  91. Shinobi Islam

    You can see their oppression and their struggle in vain for a way to isolate and kill them if they were rabid hyenas . Our Lord and guide us to the straight path Ahidhm. Amin