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Do you protect Arab countries debt?

In the name of God the Merciful

In light of what we witness every day of painful strikes on the Islamic peoples in their homelands, including attempts at Christianization, other secular Westernization, and other revisionist paganism, and in light of individual and semi-collective attempts by honest men to defend the components and constants of this Islamic religion in the midst of society, I wonder where the state is. All this?


Constants that are not hidden from anyone :

  • 99.99 Percent of the Arab people are Muslim
  • 99.99 Percent of Arab countries acknowledge that Islam is the state religion and one of its constants

What religion am I talking about?

I am talking about the true Islam that derives its legislation from the Qur’an and the Sunnah and understands this religion in the light of the understanding of the righteous predecessors. I mean, I am talking about the true Sunni Islam that our generations have been raised on since God opened Islam to the people. 14 century

Is there another Islam?

Yes, and unfortunately, there are many sects that attribute themselves to Islam, but it is innocent of them. These sects are the cause of the affliction that has befallen this nation and are the main cause of the division of the nation. There is also American Islam, which is falsely and slanderously called moderate Islam, and I call it modified Islam.

Not everything that glitters is gold :

We see many things, products, institutions, and even individuals adding to themselves the characteristic of Islam , Do not be fooled by these labels. They are just “fake” labels that are not real and have nothing to do with the real product. They have nothing to do with Islam. This description is used to achieve purposes that may be economic or personal, and in many cases conflict with Islamic principles.

Know your enemy :

The enemies are many, but there is the enemy and there is the ignorant and foolish fool. I will list for you the most dangerous of them :

Enemies :

  • The American administration is the biggest enemy because it is a systematic enemy and knows what it wants to do and builds its movement on anti-Islamic foundations. “This does not mean all of the American people. We mean those who lead them.” .
  • Israel is the traditional, malicious enemy, and all those who follow their approach are Jews. “This does not mean every Jew, but rather those who participate, participate, and support Israeli corruption.” .
  • MBC channels, the malicious arm of the Jews in every Arab home, “They are now not deleting pornographic clips, and gradually we will see everything.” .
  • Al Arabiya News Channel is the number one misleading channel.
  • Arab music channels that have become pornographic channels in the fullest sense of the word and work to destroy Islamic values ​​among young people .
  • Fox Arabic-speaking channels: A destructive American threat to our mother tongue .
  • Dubai One Channel is the best service provided to America by perpetuating the American lifestyle in an Arabic mold .
  • Deviant corners that are devoted to open polytheism, incite sectarian strife, and increase the coma of peoples..
  • Childish newspapers and newspapers that incite strife and hatred, “sedition is worse than murder,” as an example, the daily Al-Shorouk newspaper in Algeria, and you know the rest..
  • Advocates of liberation and freedom (how attractive is this title) who work to disintegrate this society from its roots.
  • The Batinis and the worst of them are the Ismailis and their imam, the Aga Khan, and their history is full of hostility towards Muslims..

As for the foolish ones, they are the general public, to those who have mercy on my Lord, and especially among them are the ostriches that claim to be educated and of status, but in reality they are just ostriches that bury their heads in the dirt and see nothing but darkness. .

The list is very long. Do not think that I am exaggerating. Everyone is working to destroy Muslims. This is not my words, but rather the words of the Lord of the Worlds :

“And not Neither the Jews nor the Christians will be satisfied with you until you follow their religion. Say, “Indeed, God’s guidance is right guidance, even if you follow their desires after what has come to you from “Knowing, you have in God neither guardian nor helper.”

Surah Al-Baqarah verse 120

I mean, whoever understands speech and venerates the words of God Almighty, he did not reveal this verse in vain, and God is not unjust when He beautified the Jews and Christians with each other, so that some foolish Arab ostriches would come and say the opposite and make angels out of them.

What is worse in all of this are the foolish and foolish people of this nation. When it comes to the West, you find it believes, blesses, and believes without the slightest doubt or question. And when it comes to something from Islam or belief, you find it questioning even the constants about which there is no doubt. “This is hypocrisy itself.”

We return to our first question: Are our governments doing their duty to protect this religion? ,And as our master Othman bin Affan said in the hadith, “God removes through authority what He does not remove through the Qur’an.” If governments were keen on this religion, we would not have seen this clear crowding in on it day and night.

I also wonder about the parties that claim to be Islamic, “they have been inspired by the throne.” Where is their role in reviving this religion, since they have the status, position, and means to do so, or are they also among the poster holders? .. Another ostrich

I hope that the Arab Muslim youth pay careful attention to what is going on around them and do not stop at the events, but rather investigate their circumstances, history and causes, and do not ignore the media, the majority of which is considered to be on the side of the enemy. .

We ask God to protect us from the evil of our enemies and guide our rulers to true Islam  .

Cpm Affiliation : the cpm advertising network

About خالد ميمون

Algerian blogger. Technical Adviser in Communications , Interested in the technology community and religion, Codifies irregularly in a blog Daily Mail , With expertise in the areas of : Communications , Networks , Servers ,Web design dynamic and customized solutions, Lennox systems and open source software.

One comment

  1. Hello,
    Do not despair, my brother, for there is still goodness in the nation of Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace.