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Wounded Gaza where and for how long [ Supreme Hassan ]

This is very important article about the Gaza wounded sent to me by the supreme good on my e-mail this text unchanged

In the name of God the Merciful110580

I thank my brother rapid Wardak Here's the article and I hope that your presence if you teach me has been published or not published
With my heartfelt thanks

Peace, mercy and blessings of God

I hope that you worry about this subject to the need of such help Massa and I also have a private Bhalathm Habayta if I sent you May Allah reward videos

Peace, mercy and blessings of God
During my visit to Egypt for some relatives of predestination she wants to meet with wounded Gaza war in some hospitals in Cairo, I talked to them and I knew closely horrific cases diagnosed and cried my heart before my eyes, despite their smiles that hide the emotional and physical pain.

I saw the models for the people of the Palestinian and Egyptian nationalities visit them and help them financially and morally, And gathering donations from all sides, Factories, shops , And distributes them clothes and food and even wheelchairs for those who lost their limbs and those who can not afford to Almshee.any that some people buy them charge cards and mobiles devices even speak to their families in Gaza and released Atminohm, They even distribute them Zamzam water with honey and dates to help them recover, God willing,.
They were like a beehive , Youth and women Aglfoa clothing, food and Asnvoh bags and bags are all specific names, And begin their journey in the morning to go to the hospital to begin distribution to all wounded and his aide , And Atsabqgua to tote bags and water of Zamzam to receive their reward, So it has been the work of envelopes for donations to give each injured separately.
And as much as me and my Lord that I share with them running around the floors and rooms, hospital, All this is before the sudden deportation to Gaza before completing their treatment, And even take with them bags of canning to be their strength and strengthened their families for some time, given the scarcity of food in Gaza City.
I have filmed videos of their complaints and their pain and also some photographs, I will show you some images of the wounded taken by the Palestine Hospital in Cairo and Ismailia Hospital , With a brief explanation of the cases of each of them.

First picture Mehdi:


Mehdi young man from Gaza was badly hurt by the rocket was targeted directly. Lucky said the missile did not hit him directly but was signed very close to him as suffering a shrapnel at the bottom of his back and exited his abdomen and also hit his legs became not strong enough to walk.
I underwent aid in Gaza and then he was taken with a group of wounded to Egypt at the Palestine Hospital in Cairo , And it needs to be a process to lock openings in the abdomen but is still waiting for did not undergo an operation and was surprised that he would leave the hospital after he wrote his exit to Gaza without practical work.
His sister also died and was completely demolished their home and wounded his brother accompanying him also in his left foot .
This young man and his bride awaited speeches , And it intended to marry but the circumstances of the war he was unable , He hopes to completely heal until completes its life naturally
But how it will leave without a complete cure and without practical work necessary for him.
And still smiling ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

The second image Ammar Ahmed return of Allah Abu Asim :


Ammar, a young man from Khan Younis tried to shade the Israeli planes smoke burning tires but spotted and fired at him 3 Successive missiles since suffering a serious injury in his back had affected his spine injuries in the lower region have significant Pthtkac arrived pelvic bone, He also cut his legs below the knee from the first and second of the above.
Ammar could not sit down because he had lost all the meat from the tub, Also can not walk, waiting to be sympathy for him than any Gulf state to be treated, rather than stay in the hospital to take painkillers only, And the fear that comes his role in the deportation of Gaza, like the rest untreated.
Nevertheless, he has a hope in God that walks on the second artificial limbs and be cured, When I finished filming begging me to help him find a way to cure it abroad, I told him that I will work whatever I can on it, And he asked me before I left: When Strda Ali? I cried and left, and I pray that I could help him.

The third photo Ahmad Samir Asfour:


Old Ahmed Khan Younis 19 Year , Studying at university in the press section ,He was heading home with his cousins ​​Frothm reconnaissance aircraft and missile strike entered numerous shrapnel in the abdomen and chest , And sustained fractures and damage to the nerves and tendons in his right hand and the amputation of his left finger, Injury and shrapnel entered his left eye,And a broken right jaw also, It was the work of his process in Palestine in the stomach and chest and his right hand and is now waiting to be operation on his left eye to remove the fragments, including the Palestine Hospital in Cairo.
Journalist and promising how his work would not fit his right hand for writing ,,,,,,,,,,,

Raad's fourth Samir Asfour:


Raad Samir Asfour, the younger brother of Ahmed Asfour, He was with his brother at the time of being targeted with missiles from the aircraft reconnaissance
Some cut the fingers of his right hand, And breaking the upper jaw and the loss of the upper teeth, Was to resuscitate him in Gaza and then driven to Cairo in the hope that something is done to him, but so far still on the same spot, While I was there taking it philanthropist, It is a Palestinian doctor teeth graduate since , It took him to a doctor specializing in surgery jaw and teeth and perhaps find a solution Ieljoh as long as Palestine Hospital in Cairo and did not treat him for fear of Tsverh suddenly before completion of treatment.

Zia's fifth :


Zia smelt a child of his face innocence, I asked him how I was shot, he said to me we were playing, I and my brothers and cousins ​​over the roof of the house and suddenly the enemy plane Bakcefna missiles began in my hands & I got my uncle's daughter cited.
Fractures in his right hand with detailed laceration , It is expected to hold a detailed process to develop an artificial. I looked at the walls of his room in the hospital was filled with illustrations drawn by his left hand, and all reflect the reality of life, Shells and rockets are falling from the sky on houses and mosques.
But unfortunately it was suddenly deported to Gaza without prior warning and without the procedure.
If the film was brought to the Palestine Hospital in Cairo? Do not answer a question on it.

Asfour's sixth Faik:


Faik being hit enemy missiles by shrapnel in the chest , Caused deep wounds and shortness of breath, He underwent in Palestine Hospital(He was lucky)
You wonder will remain to obtain full care and follow-up after surgery, or he will leave before it to Gaza?

Ayman's seventh :


Ayman al-owner of the beautiful smile, Subjected to shelling his house was hit with broken legs and hands, He lost his mother and sister, He is now in a hospital in Ismailia.
He entered his room to find him smiling and surrounded by gifts from each side, I asked him one Almnbarat Egyptian Alfadilat what he said, I want to speak to his father Jwala in Gaza Vachtrth him God Dzaha good .

Photo eighth Mohamed Hamdi:


Mohammed was a young man injured in the legs caused laceration in the bones, burns and melting flesh, Also definitely a great thigh meat.
Not strong enough to walk and still in Palestine Hospital in Cairo and the temperature is very high due to deep wounds in his legs

Mahmoud Mattar's ninth:


Mahmoud picture explains itself,A child with the utmost intelligence and innocence at the same time, Buffeted enemy missiles paralyzed their hands to deprive him the gift of sight,Fragments penetrated various parts of his body and cause serious injuries as a broken jaw and teeth and injured his face and ears deep wounds, Shrapnel pierced his eyes and he lost sight.
The severity of pain was crying but not tears , It came from Gaza in this way and still on what it is to now , There is no attempt to repair what can be repaired only now lives on painkillers.
Is not there any solution to this poor child, Not entitled to live like the rest of the people and the exercise of his natural life
He was echoed during Tolmh, where are the people ? Where the world? Like the rest of the six Adamia?
ترى هل تم ترحيله الى غزه دون علاج؟ أم انه لازال قابعا على سريره ينتظر الفرج من الله ومن ذوي القلوب الرحيمة
Those few pictures of the injured group leave between your hands to join me propaganda to God Almighty to have mercy on the Muslims as a whole nation of the cruelty of enemies
And Btchehem.

is over

Cpm Affiliation : the cpm advertising network

About خالد ميمون

Algerian blogger. Technical Adviser in Communications , Interested in the technology community and religion, Codifies irregularly in a blog Daily Mail , With expertise in the areas of : Communications , Networks , Servers ,Web design dynamic and customized solutions, Lennox systems and open source software.

No comments

  1. Karam Mohammed Muslim injury from the occupation forces in the war on Gaza in the left leg and in the fifth finger of Yemeni towels on the face, the right side and now the patient under treatment and the
    Not wishing for a speedy recovery

  2. Karam injured Mohammad Asfour was wounded in the history of 912009 Two rockets and a member of his family by aircraft reconnaissance Alasirailah Ali Gzhoukd led to his injury Hzaia in the foot and left Hzaia on the fifth finger of the right hand and Hzaia in the face and in the head, and now the patient under medical follow-up and wish him a speedy recovery

  3. Karam Mohammed Asfour @ Thank brother Karam information

  4. I Atsopt on 9/1 / 2009 بصاروخين يوم الجمعه وانا واخواتى واولاد عمى كنا مروحين من المسجد وطائرات الاستطلاع اطلقت صاروخين واصيب الاخ رعد عصفور والاخ كرم عصفور وابن عمى احمد عصفور وانا كمان واصابت احمد ابن عمى شظايه فى البطن والصاقين واكل شظيه فى البنكرياس وتلقه العلاج فى مستشفى فلسطين فى مصر والاخ رعد كزالك وعندهم بتر فى الاصابع وكرم الاصابه فى الساق وعدا شظايه فى جسمه وانا هلقيت بدى احكى عن نفسى اصابتى فى القلب والراتين وفى البطن وتشوهات فى الصدر والبطن ولحتا الان بعانى من الاصابه وكانت اصابتى خطيره جدا ونقلونى على مصر فى سيارت العنايه المكثفه على الاسماعيليه وتلقيت علاجى فيها وقعدت فى مستشفى قنات السويس خمسه وعشرون يوم ثم انتقلت على مستشفي فلسطين فى القاهرا ورجعه على غزه وعليا مراجعه بس مسكر المعبر الله يشفى جميع الجرحه

  5. Ahmed Mohammed Muslim bird @ I pray to God to heal my brother Ahmed and all the injured Palestinians You have made great sacrifices for the sake of preserving the dignity of Muslims and Dzaikm God Paradise

  6. Why is death and destruction Why ?????????

    Ehna We want a solution to Hedda enemy that killed children and women, men ??????? Why

    This is nonsense?
    Allah suffices us from Israel Ay

  7. Peace, mercy and blessings of God
    Dedicate this message to everyone with sincere greetings to all.
    I am wounded Ahmed Samir Asfour, a Muslim 20 New Year's population Absan.
    The history of my injury in 912009 Friday.
    The event took place when we pray prayers Friday in Khalil al-Rahman mosque and we went back to the house I and my cousins ​​Ahmed Karam and Raad.ouselna the house and suddenly fell on us and betrayal directly treachery missiles, specifically two missiles from the poll Zionist aircraft that was throughout the war in the skies of Gaza has never been exiting.
    I personally did not Stupefy consciousness and I saw with my own eyes the entire event that is considered the honor of the anniversary and the Order of every Palestinian Hr.ona proud Basapti and injuring cousins ​​Maa.oocol God and yes agent on Israel .
    Feltalmo We are the people we sacrifice our bodies and our souls and our money in the way of Allah Almighty
    I will talk about my injury and were as follows:
    Injury in the abdomen, which led to the eradication of 4 meters from the intestine and part of the stomach
    Amputation of the index and middle finger on the left hand
    Entry 3 Shrapnel in my left eye
    Broken jaw bottom right and loss of 4 teeth Dharsin
    Critical injury in the right hand and elbow in the break mealy and lack of bone and cut the nerve and tendon in the right hand .
    And it entered fragments in the pancreas, leading to the loss of my injury and chronic diabetes.
    And fragments of all my body and face and legs .
    Thank God I am very happy with what God gave me the blessing from him and my limbs, God willing, preceded me Committee.
    Thankfully Akal Shi Aibal certificate, God willing, for the sake of Allah .
    This report describes the event of injury .
    Peace, mercy and blessings of God

  8. Peace, mercy and blessings of God
    Dedicate this message to everyone with sincere greetings to all.
    I am wounded Mohammed Karam Muslim Bird 17 years old Absan new residents.
    The history of my injury in 912009 Friday.
    The event took place when we pray Friday prayer in a mosque Khalil Rahman and we went back to the house
    I am Ahmed La Jolla ,,Ahmed cousin to the house and suddenly fell on us and betrayal directly treachery missiles, specifically two missiles from the poll Zionist aircraft that was throughout the war in the skies of Gaza was not flying out personally Obda.oona not Stupefy consciousness and I saw with my own eyes the event fully that the anniversary is considered the honor of the Order of every Palestinian Hr.ona proud Basapti, And La Jolla and my cousin, and I say God and yes agent on Israel .allah and greater Why them this destruction Why do all this nonsense I want Ashe Ashe Call and do I want now Agola ………At night we want to solve the Zionists Alkhoun

    Allah suffices us from them what the heck is Alana ?????????

  9. I am Iyad Shaaban Asfour Omri 22 Year guarantee Aissan small I was hurt by the Djaaby in Srok and two average, thank God

  10. God heals everyone

    greetings to you all

  11. Karam Mohamed Asfour

    All shirring heal our wounded

  12. batmana eshfa2 el3ajel lkol eljar7a o a5os bezeker a7mad smeer 3sfor elmo3ta8al 7alya o batmanalo elfaraj el8reeb el3ajel
    o b7ke l3a2lt a7mad ene ma 5lfet w3de la7mad o ele 3lay 3melto
    o mshkoreen 3almo8e3

  13. Achab insured case .. .. And touched the day of salvation
    No .. Mettle filler gun .. .. No shots .. Lead
    Even the boy and boys . .. . Death greeted with enthusiasm
    Jerusalem is the case .. .. Nor is indisputable .. Prejudice
    Aaomh Arabs .. Come on .. .. Save Jerusalem tide S
    Also send a hero … Strong .. .. A believer in solid anchors
    Stop the occupier and Bagh .. .. Guilty of all measurement
    Publisher Oqza massacres .. .. Losing all the senses
    Have mercy on unarmed people .. .. And understand it Sweeper
    Real sang .. .. And put the foundation right
    Make Palestine State .. .. A situation where confusion
    ( The rest of the words – In the code of Egyptian poet Ibrahim Khalil .. Poems for Palestine)

    Greetings Egyptian poet Ibrahim Khalil

  14. Achab insured case .. .. And touched the day of salvation
    No .. Mettle filler gun .. .. No shots .. Lead
    Even the boy and boys . .. Death greeted with enthusiasm
    Jerusalem is the case .. .. Nor is indisputable .. Prejudice
    Aaomh Arabs .. Come on .. .. Save Jerusalem tide S
    Also send a hero … Strong .. .. A believer in solid anchors
    Stop the occupier and Bagh .. .. Guilty of all measurement
    Publisher Oqza massacres .. .. Losing all the senses
    Have mercy on unarmed people .. .. And understand it Sweeper
    True Justice sang .. And put the foundation right
    Make Palestine State .. .. A situation where confusion
    ( The rest of the words – In the code of Egyptian poet Ibrahim Khalil .. Poems for Palestine)

    Greetings Egyptian poet Ibrahim Khalil