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Algeria protests right for the wrong

In the name of God the Merciful

Many people may wonder what the protests, which affected Algeria since last Wednesday 5 January and plunged the country into a dangerous spiral of violence claimed the lives of hundreds of wounded and some dead , Protests inability analysts interpreted the finest and most famous TV channels , Some of these protests, called the mistake hunger revolution ridiculous name of Arif fact it , Will recount what happened in Algeria and what exactly backgrounds these events write here in terms of being a Muslim and Tmla to my responsibilities towards religion and the homeland .



· Who protested?

” Naked” It is a term well known to Algerians and mean and despicable people are young people who are in their journals of alcohol abuse and alcohol theft and looting, and of course, watch and pro football teams and savages do not concern them social life is not in length and do not supply their motto ” Imprisonment or exile ” It can deduce everything from this slogan, which simply means ” This country does not interest me ”

Young dream “Heartburn ” And live in one of the European countries to meet the wishes of his youth as no religion pleases actually does not owe allegiance only to Douro “llmal” Young baksheesh give him money and drugs and will do whatever they say young people ” Loves Isahy” Dancing drum for each of his youth is conscious and uneducated and not religious and do not think about his actions and not a sequel assume its responsibilities youth calculated that the state is not God-Razzaq youth forgot God, God himself Vonsah and filled with falsehood

· من دفع بهؤلاء الشباب إلى الشارع ؟ ولماذا بدأت الاحتجاجات في باب الواد ؟

First talk about Bab El Oued for those who do not know Bab El Oued years was the stronghold of the party, who enter this country in a large blood bath Front party, the Islamic Salvation Party used religion as a cover to gain access to the seat of government since , Party wants to rule the country and does not have a minimum plan or project how to run this country claims that he wants to rule the Book of Allah and the Sunnah and is the first to encroach on the sanctity of the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of His Prophet and did not listen to the advice of scientists that “Sedition tougher than murder ” And to go out on the ruling and it is forbidden to waste the interests of Muslims , It is important that the party wanted to appear again neutralized in the image and increased from pouring oil on the fire by one of the most prominent commanders Ali Belhadj, who came out with protesters ,

There is also the monopoly barons paid to some gang leaders to move on the street

There are also enemies outsiders by their intelligence France America, Israel, and this is no secret to a

The problem of our young people that they do not know the enemy !

· Ouyahia and his words and rumors

Prime Minister Ahmed Ouyahia, who did not mention one of the largest involved in these protests , Ouyahia man has severe hate the middle of the Algerian people because of his statements and because of rumors about his property that I do not know that it was true or not but convey what word-street it is monopolized, for example, university transportation in several cities in Algeria the most important capital and Setif by thousands of orange buses everyone knows , In addition to the speech, which is attributed to him and have dealt with the street as an example “I have thousands of buses and five Aanakm gaze Hsdtona ” And the famous words ” Hungry dog ​​follows you” And many others

· Algerian newspapers in charge of the largest in front of God and history

Anonymous everyone about what was written throughout the period leading up to the events in most Algerian newspapers renowned go back to the previous numbers and great Ponder Maketb slag behind every word and every news , It concludes through lack of responsibility and intent to push the country towards youth and the future of the unknown parameters

These newspapers are supposed to live up to this young and grown in which awareness and open up in front of the horizon of thinking and take advantage of the opportunity the vast amount that reads pages daily , News tendentious and the vast amount of negative news that makes it read infected with depression and frustration addresses .

· Dla revolution and not a hunger revolution

The state has a great deal of responsibility for these events precisely because they were not never firm and these events are the result of excess Dla enjoyed by these young days of football conflict between Egypt and Algeria when the state left freedom for these savages to attack everything that represents the Egyptians here, especially Djezzy the largest affected , Of the State's responsibility to protect everyone here, whatever they , And vandalism should be punished perpetrators , Because the end does not justify the means .

· Who benefits?

1. From the government to disarm taxes and Aljmrkh for their goods, and although it is still expensive price and their goods are still monopolized goods despite breaking the monopoly that the law was not applied .

2. Big Thief … Little Thief .

3. The external enemy that we do not know why planting and we have been engaged in each other .

· Algeria is not cottons and never the right word must be said

There are many link what is happening in Tunisia, Algeria and the sister state of this mistake in the wrong brothers in Tunisia really suffering from an oppressive authoritarian regime lacks legitimacy , Tunisia police state muzzles in the mouths of a terrible system, and the people there is an enemy must remain at the mercy of the stick .

As for Algeria, and I say it frankly because I live here and I know what surrounds me well and Athry honesty to the face of God and no one else is really where our state administrative corruption and bribery is rampant and there is bureaucracy, and there is a monopoly and Wu … But in return our country where freedom of expression and may have been excessive freedom for necessary because there are those who took advantage of this freedom to enter the country in a cycle of violence previously and currently, especially in private newspapers have not heard about arbitrary arrests in the right of opinion writers, as in other Arab countries. . Our state does not ally itself with its people abroad to Tdhr perhaps there are individuals in judging their backgrounds against the country, but not the system . State in spite of all what happened considered these young sons and their deluded Lisu enemies, unlike other countries , Do not put our state control Narrowed on the Internet as it happens in other countries , Management positions in spite of everything remains an open door for every Algerian and is not exclusive to a class or sect . Our state undertakes projects for the development of this country, despite all the shortcomings and scandals and embezzlement, but they do, and for the benefit of the people ,Long live our state law, despite some fatal flaws and despite the lack of good application but state law ,

· The end does not justify the means and the fire does not give birth to only ash

What do young people in these events is not related to any link to our values ​​and our principles as Muslims above all , We could not get any positive result in acts of vandalism and looting , God is not pleased to spoil the earth in the form of this terrible claim rights under the slogan ,

O wonder you see this young people who complain of humiliation and injustice when he possessed the power to a day or two in the ravaged people unjustly and corrupt , And ask attendees how the roads were subjected to extortion and theft when they cut off roads . Ask the owners of shops vandalized and stolen all their property . Envisions the feelings of all those persons who have been exposed to theft and extortion of any hatred planted in their hearts against protesters . Is this not a new affliction may lead us to civil war . One of them Ingo , The darkness of injustice, my people .

I wonder where all these were all the crucial issues of this nation?

· Security forces demonstrated the mind

Security forces resisted riots process in the country was already endowed with patience and reason and not because Algeria was now soaked in blood , Clearly shows great awareness demonstrated by the evidence and that the outcome of controversies that most Dhaaha are members of the security forces and who are also the sons of this homeland .

· Sharif citizen and these convictions

These events that got robbed of honest citizens and really affected by the difficult social conditions Slapthm their right to demonstrate rational, and they missed the opportunity to show their just demands and heard, everyone is a citizen of the simplest to the highest official . Himwa our right and Odechllona in a maze God knows when it ends .

1. I do not allow anyone unconscious mind and insight to represent me in this ugly way .

2. I prefer the government sometimes violate the law on the people of Aagmh law and not known

3. There are a thousand ways to express Mtalibana do not support the vandalism and looting because the end does not justify the means

4. We are a Muslim nation to order the good and forbid evil, and will instruct the good and evil finish Masttana so for , And the Book of Allah and His Messenger is the guidance of our approach. And not the law of the jungle

5. It proved to parties and Algerian associations utter failure in the framing and the leadership of its youth toward sublime goals because the goals were narrow and limited benefit, They do not have projects to build a strong civilization.

6. This is the country we live in it and no one else, This country died for our ancestors to live in safety , And will not let it burn and watch the name of freedom, equality and justice .

7. Decimal places of terrorism is enough and we do not want another kind of terrorism .

8. This is not a forest country where each one placed himself as guardian and judge himself, and the law is applied and there are ways to set out clear .

9. There are a lot of enemies who lie in wait for us and waiting for opportunities to ignite the fire of the band and disobedience , And stupid to give them the right opportunity .

10. Algeria is a country coveted by many and they hope to share its riches , I will not be surprised at such events because you get a lot of hands you want to mix things and Tstrozk chaos.

11. There are a lot of policies and laws in this country must change and I am a believer that change comes Ballta is better and more civilized ways . And there is a possibility

12. God does not change the condition of a people until they change themselves, and not more than the words of God, let him understand Ulloa Kernels

13. Real state investment must be in the individual when the state produces individuals Dhuoa and efficiency as much of the responsibility of raising their level understanding

14. I believe that God is Razzaq did not read in the Qur'an that God asked me to go to the governor and the highest sword in his face and pretend to oil fields and the legacy I inherited one of these this mad .

15. The scholars of this nation and their minds to rally around their rulers and refer them not leave their places occupied by those who do not deserve it and then we get to where we are

16. There is always hope in repairing things, and there is always another chance we exploit

17. We have to put our feet on the right basis, and we really be Muslims, not only slogans .

Cpm Affiliation : the cpm advertising network

About خالد ميمون

Algerian blogger. Technical Adviser in Communications , Interested in the technology community and religion, Codifies irregularly in a blog Daily Mail , With expertise in the areas of : Communications , Networks , Servers ,Web design dynamic and customized solutions, Lennox systems and open source software.


  1. God bless my brother Khaled, really Ofarahtna every letter I read in your paper, nice to see our young people in this upscale thinking, I hope to reach our mission and the role of good play our blogs instead of sedition, thank you very much, and I put my hand on your hand in order to quell sedition and the good of the country.

  2. Hello to your brother Jaber honest people in this country to raise their voices to show the right because the silent right demon Okhrs Thank you for your interaction .

  3. We ask His Excellency President Abdelaziz Bouteflika to personally intervene in solving the water head of the municipality of the large number of influential people and the problems of the poor live in humiliation and insult, and we know that His Excellency does not accept that accept our high respect and appreciation

  4. State of Sidi Bel Abbes