In the name of God the Merciful This is a new classification developed by the oldest of the quotes I have read within the articles, books or the like could see where the benefit of the reader . But the worst Gwayat detail is that «the standard deviation» who wasted «meaningful» of any incident where the mind goes out to recognize the All or «essence» provide him with sufficient follow-up what his eye and ear of the «parts» does not exceed «appearance» no value ... Read More »
Do you protect Arab countries debt?
In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful In light of the painful blows that we witness every day in Muslim countries in their own homes, including Christianizing and secular and revisionist paganism and individual and semi-collective attempts by honest men to defend the fundamentals and constants of this Islamic religion among society I wonder where is the state of all this? Read More »
You are the owners of Internet shops concerned !
In the name of God the Merciful long ago and we are seeing a lot of websites and blogs in the prestigious Internet technology as well as well-known personalities are a big campaign to alert Internet users need to stop using the popular Internet browser at all Internet Explorer Version 6 ... Wilkinson lmaza? Read More »
From here the way back ..mouka Engineering
In the name of God the Merciful talk to you today about an Arab youth new site is the engineering site identified him by its founder, the young Syrian blogger known as Abdul Karim Al Aweer who guided me today and you actually visited the site, which impressed me from the first surf ,Comfortable and beautiful appearance of the site and its distance from the complex Ihamsk to browse content threads that spread over several sections of activist ... Read More »
World Cup losing the Algerian national team
In the name of God the Merciful I congratulate our national team football at the efforts made by all the matches in the World Cup hosted by our team was playing a high level, especially in defense and midfield. Read More »
Pakistani tragedy in pictures
In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. These pictures will bring us closer to the real scene of the disaster that struck Pakistan. There are no words describing what is happening there. The pictures are much more… Read More »
Have you heard of something called the Arab-Islamic empire?
In the name of God the Merciful bring my little brother, who moved this year to the second year of the new secondary school books , And which fall within the new curriculum , I looked quickly and I browse Connie love history I took a history book and began to read and began intro which was the introduction boring free of any stimulation or something useful and increase all of this mediocrity in order to ... Read More »
Rainstorm strong our city
The name of God the Merciful this video rain storm that hit the city of Sidi Embarek this day and was accompanied by severe winds and hail and caused the wire cut some electricity poles and power outages for two hours before the image of the place 10 Minutes from the storm Read More »
The banks of the creativity of the new site back
The name of God the Merciful returned the banks of the literary creation of the site leading to a new life after being subjected to the disaster was the Faqadn all the contents of the server, which was hosted him for reasons not yet informed her. Read More »
New service indispensable PDFmyURL
In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful This is a new service that converts any web page you choose into a PDF file to facilitate the process of saving and it maintains all the links included on the page .. So it is not just a picture of the site only ... Thanks to the world of technology for mentioning to visit the site click on the following image . Read More »