In the name of God the Merciful
Why do so many persist in trying to establish laws for blogging? Why are they trying to adopt this blogging and classify bloggers as valid or invalid? Leave people alone.. Look for other things occupy your time out and called the blogs ... let him however he wants to write in any language and willing .. Blogging is not exclusive to a certain class of people
…Everyone can write however they know how.. Everyone writes on any topic he wants .. Of course, we Muslims are bound by the teachings of our wonderful religion, which we adhere to with pride. The teachings of our religion are the only thing that restricts our writings. Otherwise, it can be thrown aside...
If some people do not like what is written in blogs, then I am not a blogger, and what I write is not a blog, and this is not a blog. Call it whatever you want, but please do not dictate how I write.. I am free.
And I cannot tolerate restrictions. The world of the Internet is vast, and thank God you can find other places that abide by the laws you claim. You are also free to choose what you like and to throw away what is left...
A blog is a human being, as diverse as the human beings in it and in it, and this is the norm of life, but some see otherwise. My advice is only to those who think that some blogs are all that exists in this world.
" Say, walk in the world of the Internet to see the beauty, diversity, and creativity "
Finally, I say, let us excel and raise the level, that God does not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves, and if I were not Algerian, I would wish to be Algerian.
He who loves the blog has the freedom to comment and read, and he who does not like it ignores it better than wasting your time advising him .. You will not be spared from these, they are many and they will not change
Name of God.
Peace, mercy and blessings of God Almighty
God, praise you, you shouted at them like this..
Then from this who claims knowledge to make laws however he wants .. Variation and diversity are a blessing and what the human mind can find in dazzling the world ..
In the end, freedom is the first requirement for creativity.
Peace be upon you
Hisham Sadek @ The problem, my dear brother, is not in the commentators, as these can be avoided, but the problem is in bloggers themselves.
I hope that their thinking will expand slightly
Karima @ God bless you Karima. I am surprised by the opinions of some bloggers that infringe on the freedoms of others.
Yes my friend
Every time you find someone who wants to impose laws and frameworks for blogging
I had records of such and such a person on such an occasion
Warm it with blogger Haitham Abu Khalil
Who criticized my writing on art
I answered a harsh response to it
Because blogging is not confined to politics
Not any topic
Blogging is the search for freedom
How do some people want to restrict us ???
Greetings to you
And your Ramadan is true
Peace, mercy and blessings of God
Oh Benmimoun, you were the one who wanted a free blogger who loves the letter and does the kind word .. And leave the classification to them to enjoy it. Add me with you freely, write what I want, not what they want.
Youssef Hassas @ As the popular saying says “Every sheep relates to its shepherd”
They want us to enter into frivolous discussions that will at least keep us away from the real goal for me
I am not a fan of arguing about matters that I know for certain that it will only gain hatred and grudge
Ahmed Blog @ God bless you my brother Ahmed for encouragement and as I said I left them the classification so let them tweet as they like
I'm free
Peace be upon you …
It is true that I am with you on one side, and I am not with you on the other ,,,
I am not one of those who want to codify blogging ,,, But with those who want to organize it …
I once wrote…. Blogging is a free world for blogger titled ... "Let him cross .... Let it be creative .... “
“People are alone.. Look for other things to use your time and invite those who write ” … Freedom, my brother, on its own terms, should not exceed the limits of religion, culture and identity … When someone wrote calling for freedom of the Jews in Algeria, I wrote against him on the blog and on Twitter…
Is this considered a restriction by your country and by you … No, no, but to preserve identity and culture ….
Your introduction … She was trying to prevent those who create restrictions, but what do you think of those who try to refine it to suit our ritual and culture? …. If I write about atheism and Judaization and call for the return of France, will you accept it? No, and no, I will accept if I see that …
Please my brother, there is a contradiction between your blog and your attitude ,,, Read this
There is no contradiction, my brother, and I have no room for that… The problem is that you are generalizing and this position cannot be generalized, and you are the one who contradicts
I am talking about the issues and concerns of my nation and you are talking about what language should I speak in. Tell me which language do you speak in your normal life … Do you speak classical Arabic?
of course no ..
Brother, you are very wrong and wrong in your article when you cited an example …I don't know. Maybe you couldn't express your idea, but you went to the wrong place
Put everything in its place and never generalize. This is the biggest mistake the Arabs make. If there are notes that must be changed, you must name them and define them precisely.
Regardless of what we call codification, all of these are considered writings on them and on them, and there are those who can understand them wrongly
Thank you for responding to my topic…
Hello everyone..
I see here brother Khaled (A warm greeting) He wants to say I am free, do not restrict me.. It is my blog and write what I want..
We all want that freedom.. Whether in the way of blogging, or its language or topics ..
It is free to stick to certain ideas ..
Also criticism.. And accepting cash
And also the opposition..
Peace be upon you
And God hated us , My brother, I wish they tied us down in blogging and left us alone , The problem is that such people who consider themselves guardians of us are vain, even in life, they interfere in both small and large even in our personal life. …
Brother leaders thought of something I wanted to say
Do not forget .. And we do not forget that blogging is a reflection of reality..
Blog to its owner.. A blogging community for the real community..
Blogging like life finds everything and all ideas..
It reflects all our ideas, no matter how different..
is over
Khaled, the beautiful country
The idea of the blog is based on freedom and personal responsibility
We do not publish through bodies that have certain accounts, while we create our own pages to say what we want
Blogs are a measure of freedom of thought, free from restriction and control, because in the end, they are subject only to the whims of the blogger.
The responsible freedom that every blogger adheres to when he writes is the only limiting factor
As for those who want intellectual and moral guardianship over others, their place is not blogging
They can create private newspapers and practice the hobby of the censor and editor that interests them
Accept my sincere greetings
My brother Amar was really blessed as I said
3 Years of blogging, the first book
Good morning Khaled
Today, three years have passed since I entered the blogging world. Do you not think that the anniversary deserves a special celebration?
I could not find a better idea to learn about myths I wrote for three years, in a book dedicated to all friends.
I also ask everyone not to ask me about the fate of the sensitive person. Look in the book and you will find the answer.
Congratulations, my brother Yusuf, very happy news. I will download the book with success, God willing
your speech is beautiful
As for me, if I liked the topic, I commented on it and I did not like it
I hope you like others
But sometimes opinions must be put in place to impose them, as some bloggers do
Good luck