Friday , 7 March 2025
Home > Internet > The second time a site is exposed to Algeria piracy and stops completely

The second time a site is exposed to Algeria piracy and stops completely

dailybarid=postehacked In the name of God the Merciful I received this morning mail from Brother Pedro told me that he was hacking the official website of the Algerian Post POSTE.DZ But this time seems to have been on the Elimination of the site is fully allocated even part of it to lose postal current account has been piracy by the hacker known str0xo and his team Mafia CrEw Team, the same team that brought down the site last time for a short time , It seems that the supervisors of the mail site did not take a lesson and did not take the process to improve site security procedures , Algeria Post site is a site developed compared to other government sites, and never easily pirated, but it does not seem anything in this country is guaranteed to leave you with photos :


The hacker said in a message left on the site include :

Just so you know that the ability and knowledge is not in the hands of the university !!

Many people geniuses selling cigarettes and peanuts on the sidewalks , and I am one of them “Mean hacker” And hear the following :

Attempt to penetrate the automated notification system for e-Algeria last year summoned hastily to invest 7 Million euros or equivalent 70 Billion Algerian centimes to protect the system !

So every comment lies here?

We have seen the humiliation “Injustice ” With our own eyes from the scum of the Postal Corporation : Director and stealing millions of agents are the result , Distributor regular mail goes to jail .

Do not be surprised this is only the truth !

Read the what I wrote twice or two that you may understand

In any case , We will wait in the coming days to read on the pages of newspapers that you Asttmrtm more money that will probably be 7 مليون يورو ضرب اثنين حينئذ وبكل بساطة سوف نقوم بمسح قاعدة بياناتكم والدخول ,

وهذا النص كما كتب بالفرنسية :

nouvelle de depeche mode 😉
Mafia CrEw Team
Hacked by an algerian hacker
Juste pour savoir que la capacité et l’étude ne sont pas entre les mains de qui était a l’université !!
So many people are thinking of binary stars to the sale of cigarettes and Cacaouette, I am one of them, but read on:
The attempt of hacking the computer system of Algeria Post dates back to a year and a half, hence the urgency to invest 7 millions of euros, equivalent to 70 billion centimes
So comment here ?
Hogra what we saw with own eyes on this post whore: Director and officer thieves million and the result: Factor in prison
Do not be mistaken that's just the reality !
Read two or more times, you will understand
Anyway, we expect to play again in newspaper you invested more money again, j’espère que le temps, il sera de 7 millions € puissance 2 alors on va tout simplement supprimé les base de donnés et l’acces c’est bien un acces Intranet centre serveur 🙂
Greetz :Co2 ~ boubo ~ Am1n-0s ~ Badrh0 ~ Hackerx24 and all my friends
| contact: |

مواضيع ذات صلة :

Penetrate the official website of Algeria in a unique and dangerous precedent by hacker known stroxo

Cpm Affiliation : the cpm advertising network

About خالد ميمون

Algerian blogger. Technical Adviser in Communications , Interested in the technology community and religion, Codifies irregularly in a blog Daily Mail , With expertise in the areas of : Communications , Networks , Servers ,Web design dynamic and customized solutions, Lennox systems and open source software.

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  1. الموقع حاليا فيه صفحة بيضاء فقط

    الذي لم أفهمه: What is the message you would like to connect penetrator (The message is not mentioned above)

    Is it not better to exploit the capabilities of penetrating and Tozigha to protect the site (If they actually benefited from the lesson, it is best to fit the person and employed in the company paid "big" for the protection )
    Especially as he pledged to eliminate the database the next time

  2. Hmmm,
    They like sprend their money for foregner engeneer

  3. I do not see this amateur hacker that breakthrough, but for sure there are reasons that pushed him to it, and his show also!!

  4. Here's the reasons, in my opinion …I think this is a hacker Battal and Mahkor and wherever it is over and found the face of a high dam Almarevh and bribery standing in front of him so instead of a Asttmro 7 Millions of euros to protect the site – And of course, more than half of Dahab is the target Underlined so you see the site again and again Iqirsen- I said instead Vlbarvo these funds to serve the people and to pay attention to the likes of this young poor and genius at the same time, and will not hide from you whenever I Odhb Center mail, and I bear witness queue sacred to its doorstep I wish that the base Oqrsn data ..and but I am a poor first is not a moral and Secondly, I am a literary ….

    Greetings ……….My mind / Algeria

  5. For my part Hedda str0xo has considerable experience in this field has dropped Algeria a site twice, and the first was in Dhour his breakthrough site djezzy websms and breakthroughs answer sites and the location of the National Bureau of examinations and competitions

  6. The website of Algeria Post hacked again

    par Houari Barti
    The website of Algeria Post has just had a new act of piracy, the work of a team of hackers who was dubbed "Mafia Crew Team".

    A cyber attack on the Algeria Post system which is actually the second of its kind after the one made last summer and has completely blocked customer access to Algeria Poste their PPC accounts. This new "aggression", occurred on 4 During May, at 2 hours of the morning, is signed by two Algerian hackers under the pseudonyms "Badrh0" and "sTr0xo".

    The communications director of Algeria Post, M. Boufennara, contacted yesterday by phone, did not consider this second intrusion in the Algeria Computer system as a real attack, because for him the site of Algeria Post was not yet operational, is still under reconstruction. "We are repairing the site to make it 100% operational", Has he said, before supporting that "the site will be gradually returned to service by the end of next week". M. Boufennara considered this eagerness on the site of Algeria Post as "free" and without any glory because its authors, in fact, Has he said, it is the small holders PPC accounts that are the first to be penalized by this aggression. Indeed, nothing is easier than to hack a site as "basic" than that of Algeria Post, think of computer technology specialists, which strengthens, according to them, the idea that this attack on the Algeria Post site can not be the work of experienced foreign hackers, car, believe they, these latter seek, by their actions, or material interest or prestige resulting from the challenge successfully to prove their skills. Or, in the case of Algeria Post Site, there are no material interest to reap prestige or because the task does not require any of us to be a computer genius.

    But for the "aggressors" Site of Algeria Post, it seems they regard their package as a technical feat, as evidenced by the message they left on the site's home page: "All that man could do, we can discard ". A message full of pretension, même s'il démontre aussi le peu de connaissance des redacteurs aux règles du message de la langue française. The original message that was written "All that man was able to have can undo".

  7. Thank you brother amino @ on alert for an article

  8. O group clear that the answer before us from the hacker is an urgent message to the power that depend on the employment Vimh of young university graduates with influence and power and their careers in a well-known universities do not study and do not test and success for sure ( Ben Amis, Al-Maarifa, Abi Wazir, captain in the security forces, retired major general …Etc. and who are found and studied today on the corner of the roads do not idle work and the most important grieve and I are geniuses marginalized by the Alngtros and nepotism that authority putrefying administration on youth and how my friend ” They carried immigration ( The whale eats me and the worms Michaelnish ) A famous saying that the day must come and expose the hidden
    1- Habis University graduate = not equal to engineer in poste
    1- A genius college graduate = equals a higher position and more
    My friend learn that most of the engineers in the state media are under the automated system ( Qajao Askar ) 80 percent

  9. Zuhair @ words of my brother Salim Zuhair This is really an urgent message but for those who read Zburk David O

  10. Algeria country injustice and sorcery and ignorance and poverty so rampant where taboo terribly so become familiar in the country's strong eats the weak and where Islam is only the slogan of no more

  11. If we look at what this genius person did from a superficial point of view, we say that he was mistaken, but the truth is otherwise, I support him and want to know him. …The reason the place fills corruption does not work with him, but corruption is also said that the iron in iron succeed we call God to guide us all and help us and all Muslims in the world and the Hereafter

  12. Peace be upon you
    I wish I knew this person and he taught me a little of what he has

  13. A strong message that only those in the pyramid of power can understand????

  14. Peace, mercy and blessings of God
    But then, I have a simple comment for this incident, even if things do not need to be commented or discussed
    As long as Al-Albanamis and Al-Maarifa are in addition to entering (semi whores )To sensitive positions in the state is prevalent, and in return, all brains and talents are in two cases :
    – I suffer from unemployment and its only concern is to ensure cigarettes to calm the nerves for their day
    – Joining the army (And this is not a defect, but when it exceeds it alone, it generates question marks????)
    And in the end, dear brothers, I am not speaking for nothing. I have participated in more than one competition, and I am now a champion for one reason: my father is a farmer. (no influence) While the positions are between the daughter of so-and-so and the daughter of the brother of so-and-so, and so forth .
    in the last………… And God is helper for what you describe .

  15. In fact, I do not know what to say, other than to blame him for what he did. Whatever it is, my brother, this is what I see for a country, and we do nothing for it but good. Finally, we ask the specialists or those concerned to put an end to this problem, and may God guide everyone..

  16. Whatever the case, he is not excused for doing it, because this act is a crime against his country and his people. Dear, able, we hold ourselves accountable, and each one holds himself accountable. Is it on the guidance of God? The officials are out of the people. They are the sons of the country, and as you have become, we all need from other nations to teach us how to love our homeland and how to die for it and how to sacrifice it with sweat for dedication to its elevation and advancement because we really don’t spend it because our morals We all collapsed and we started running after the material. Any way we take it sells everything for it. Our real crisis is a crisis of morals that does not fix our situation. Abha, morality has declined in us and is gone, and the love of the homeland has become slogans, not principles, and we all praised everything and left self-accounting. They held themselves accountable before you held everyone accountable in the area of ​​his responsibility. Its best performance

  17. Moussa Boukheel

    In the name of God the Merciful

    In fact, I did not want to write, but when I read some of the interventions of the brothers, I noticed that most of the interventionists tend to the policy of setting up all these businesses.
    The sabotage and its perpetrators. Everyone in this country has his number who enters the bathroom and does not find water, he has the right to break an electric pole.
    And so, for each of his shields and arguments, as the Egyptian proverb says( me and my enemies)
    And in the end, and in order not to prolong this, the first hackers have to be a benefit to this community, especially since he is a brilliant in the field of automated media and software, and I think he knows what software and its financial return.
    In the last (How easy it is for a person to throw rocks from above, but did he not think about who brought this rock to the top?)

  18. Leave, Afisa Omar Mir, Sidi Khaled, the earth will relieve you

  19. God bless you brother, tell the truth and do not be afraid

  20. I am with this genius and this injustice felt by many other Algerians. These people, if you offer them job opportunities, will change the situation of Algeria for the better. The West is buying geniuses to advance further, and we despise them and present them with the powerful who have no brains, and I say to this person, continue with your work. .

  21. Do not be hopeful that a state can employ all young people in its sectors. Each one has his destiny and what he was created for. We ask God to reform us and facilitate our path in the midst of this society that deals with emotions and forgets reality.
    Brother Musa Boukheel supported his intervention and added that we must innovate in doing righteousness. Our Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, said ( God loves that if one of you does a job, he should master it ) And
    I tell you, either we do what works or we don't

  22. After reading the comments, I did not find a solution to this issue except for Omar, may God be pleased with him, to that father who came to complain about his son and his bad conduct. When the son spoke about the father’s mistakes, Omar, may God be pleased with him, said to the father.
    You hit him before he hits you ….. The reality imposed on us and our rulers in educational and pornographic programs, which increases as the student progresses in the academic levels to the university, which I consider to be the cancer of the Algerian nation. … As for the field of joining work, be a fashion model that enters with ease, or you have knowledge or bribery ……. This is reality. What do we expect from it? If we combine a horse and a donkey, we will wait for Al-Buraq ………. But there will be a mule …. The dress and mentalities of the Franks do not agree with our society and the overwhelming people who make up the state of Algeria …….. Rather, the rubbish of the release is not collected except by a few who do not know the religion of God and live a life of disbelief … They did not raise the state of Algeria, neither in the moral aspect nor in the scientific aspect ………. The other, their maliciousness, is the school program imposed on our children, which is a big bite on the mouths of our children, and it is poison, as it has been said, the food of adults is the poison of children.
    This is what Qurayhah argued, and what many burns, and God suffices us, and He is the best agent. ….. Because if our martyrs did not want Islam, the system of the infidels would have been more beneficial to many of us who call for this …. They have not achieved justice for the infidels …. And the honor of Islam they got ….

  23. Thank you for your comment. Do you know what I like?.

  24. What do you want to have? Play in Matrik


  26. In the name of God the Merciful
    Peace be upon you
    Whose money is in the end? Isn't it the people's money, if this young man destroyed this site dozens of times, the government would not hesitate to strengthen it again and spend more money than the people's money again, so what does this young man benefit? And the interests of those who have been disrupted, aren't the interests of the CCP overpowering?
    And if he harnessed his efforts and thought in destroying pornographic sites, it would be better for him with his Lord.
    And if this young man had set up different forums, he might have succeeded in bringing some benefit and benefit to himself and others, perhaps even bringing money through advertising..
    “Whoever does an atom's weight of good will see it, and whoever does an atom's weight of evil will see it ”

  27. Surely there was a reason for the hack, or there was a challenge, or someone provoked the hacker

  28. In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

  29. Do you know what word this article began with? In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. If you knew its meaning, this genius would not have violated the interests of the people in communicating with their mail, because we simply ask for help from the servants and forget that there is a Lord for the servants, why do you not remind him that sustenance is guaranteed by the Almighty King, after I seek refuge in God from the accursed Satan : “” In the sky the uterus or grave “” This genius should have turned to the Lord of lords, who owns the hearts of people, and asked him for his needs, not to sell cigarettes that God has forbidden. : It is to stay away from our Lord, if we knew our religion fully and adhered to it, our situation today would not have reached this form, and from realizing that your livelihood that your Lord has provided for you is in the post office, and from realizing that this is what you did that will keep you idle for the rest of your life, yes, we are in a country Injustice and contempt, but are things resolved this way? God Almighty said:
    {وَكَذَلِكَ نُوَلِّي بَعْضَ الظَّالِمِينَ بَعْضاً بِمَا كَانُواْ يَكْسِبُونَ } cattle129
    It is reported on the authority of Ali bin Abi Talib, may God be pleased with him, that an outsider said to him:: O Ali, how did people owe them to Abu Bakr and Umar and not owe them to you?
    He said: Because Abu Bakr and Omar were their men, me and my likes, and my men were you and your likes
    And he established an argument against him.
    Where is the goodness in us to be in our states?! That the servants, if their injustice and corruption and their deprivation of the obligatory rights increase, take over them the oppressors who will afflict them with the worst torment and take from them the injustice and the tyranny times what they were denied from the rights of God and the rights of His servants in a way that they are not rewarded or taken into account.
    Just as the servants, if they are righteous and upright, God will reform their shepherds and make them imams of justice and equity, not rulers of injustice and unjustness.
    It is better for this friend of ours to know that the whole matter is in the hands of God, and this genius that he possesses is from the grace of God upon him, and he will be asked about it on the Day of Resurrection, whether he used it for good or for ruin. … Etc., and I do not have time to mention it, and if you searched for it, you would find it, as well as supplication in the last third of the night, and this is the closest a servant is to his Lord when he is prostrating, and that is why we were created, provided for, and found on the back of this globe.: Vma creation mankind valans device lybdvn . Great truth of God.

  30. This is after development in Altknulocalaa and after the emergence of the role of prostitutes Alhakrat and then came Allowaarat
    Where are the lazy engineers?

  31. Share your opinion, Hamdan

  32. May the peace and mercy of God be upon you, my brother, the genius in the computer media. I hope that you will harness your experiences and skills in eliminating porn sites and sites that fight Islam and praise the Jews and their supporters instead of eliminating the site of those who benefit from it are the middle class of the poor people because the influential and senior officials have their accounts in banks as I pray Hackers tend to program children's games or useful things, as the returns are great, as they say “Instead of cursing the darkness a thousand times, I light a candle.” This is with my sympathy for your suffering from unemployment, humiliation and marginalization. We all suffer like you, but “every soul is a hostage for what you have earned.”

  33. It is wise to hire this hacker in his field of specialization and give him a good monthly wage because his benefit is greater than his harm instead of his punishment, because I am a state engineer in the computer media and I know how difficult this thing he has done in our field of specialization