In the name of God the Merciful and the darkness of the ambiguity and gray cloud with increasingly opaque years offering cloud-borne easterly winds coming from a country nicknamed the sleeper Balamlaq equal to a country with a population of five inhabitants of the planet , 90 Per cent of them do not believe in the existence of the Lord of the worlds , This giant, which crushed under his feet 30 Million Muslims in the territory of Uighurs and deprives them of the most basic elements ... Read More »
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Security Council resolution ceasefire mg and dangerous for the whole region decision
The Security Council voted on a resolution to the cease-fire was vote 14 OK voice and 0 Voice shows, with the United States to vote “Play” And told Condoleezza Rice that they agree with the decision though . The decision is very dangerous on the Gaza Strip and the Hamas movement in particular, and was evident weakness of the failed Arab position even in the understanding of the content of the resolution … Read More »