Set fire under the feet of these Jews, O governments Ohaloha to Thompshawwa stigma that smile on Mahaakm all these years I ask any Islamic state to refund the punitive raids of the aircraft explosion of Israel's very good time America can not move Europe and powerless by the crisis
Economic plaguing them will not lose the thing as much as we Tkspon and God is with you in this to the last breath and you will see how smite them be impressive results … Odbohem stood pause one man smite them and people stand ready to mobilize and assume all the responsibilities of the Zionists do not want peace Zionists respond kicks dirty they want the behind Sfa want to torture uprooted, and we have a distraction… This is not a capricious …This we are experiencing has reached flood is enough, we can not promise never patience is not the meaning of life and our brothers butchered and do not want to kill so prosperous frees the Palestinians do not want the dignity of life we want to live …Humiliation is not Cimena if God has only one country disciplinary movement to change the course of history forever in favor of Palestine
The primary objective and has a top priority is the liberation of Palestine do not want something else. Otherwise you will see the dire consequences of these Islamic peoples, God waits but does not neglect nor Talbwa on the nerves of Muslims nor Tnawroa we are steadfast, because God is with us and will help us God willing
Heck for all droopy droning Heck Heck not slept the eyes of cowards and traitors either you win Ootqlb your life a living hell Vkdbulg stream is enough Oh God, I reached…
Peace be upon you
These defeatists who spoiled the case and then Horoa Arab national to a regional dimension is limited
It was and Palestine still Circuit conflict raging between the regional and international powers, and this is what made it always burning
Jews have proved their failure in all the conflicts that they have fought and always sheltering behind the back of the West
First, I would like to acknowledge that it is unwise for the Palestinian people to be hit, particularly now
But rather chooses the sudden time of his enemy and the people of Palestine Adre Bjunbadtha
On the one hand either to stick to the fundamentals of the Palestinian cause is the inevitability of Palestine is the land of Velstiinyin and show us the need
My brother Khaled These crimes must not pass so
Almighty willing to show us the wonders of the will and sacrifice to teach Palestinians Liberal arts nations sacrifice and struggle
Enough talk and embark on the work of
barak alah fik akhi alkrim
ini oia alah ohissou bi eljamra alty fi kalbik
oi onashid kol hokam al moslimine an ioharikou aktafahom alsakinat
May Allah help
We all suffer from paralysis and Hedda terrible killer
See and can not do anything
Only the weakest of faith for us and for those who see God, and God Fletokl believers
What we only pray for patience and prayer to God Atalakaf us either of these rulers do not wait for them nothing has accustomed us to disappoint our hopes
Allah is my suffice, and the best deputy