In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. A quote from an article that talks about WikiLeaks. This is a continuation of the idea in my previous article. There are others who believe that the story of the WikiLeaks website is a story created by governments so that there are global justifications for placing restrictions and blockades on the information revolution and its broad freedom. They give an example with a story of events. 11 September (September) Because of this, the American government was able to exert pressure to impose a huge number of new security systems ... Read More »
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Wikileaks in the service of Israel | New Testament.
In the name of God the Merciful since the advent and explosion of a bomb site Wikileaks I am skeptical of the reality of this earthquake media politician who seems in a comprehensive phenomenon just to expose governments facts, especially the US government, but a little bit so call in the content of the documents do not find any document which is the mystery reveal secrets of the Israeli occupation . Read More »