In the name of God the Merciful This is a new series hunting process called Heaven where I will present the most important thing is in the hands of files, videos or pictures ,I get these files through a wonderful program for random download skygrabber
The one who downloads it via a satellite card and a concave antenna .. I know that many are ignorant of this program, but you do not have to, in the coming days, God willing, I will explain the program. The important thing now is for you to have fun with this series
- Video of a roof falling on a car at a petrol station
This video has been rejected on YouTube, I don't know why you can download it Hence
- Video of a large electrical cable falling off an escalator
Glory be to God, what is greater
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Name of God.
Peace, mercy and blessings of God Almighty
Thanks for everything that you provide again in all areas, and I salute you for the changes that occur to your blog from time to time, this gives the impression that you are persistent and seek to spread the benefit and pleasure …
May God grant you success, maintain your activity and vitality, and may God bless the youth like you
Peace be upon you
Karima @ Thank you very much, generous and loyal