The name of God the Merciful This video clip show on Channel abc news One of America's ruling family in the UAE shows torturing a citizen various types of torment in a UAE deserts horrible footage shows the hatred that person . Whatever the reason, no human being has the right to do whatever was in such heinous acts of this crime and terrorism must be accompanied by more severe punishment punished ,
Watch the video clip in the rest of the Thread
Moreover Valvedao a security men with him shows he assisted in the torture of citizens poor ,And did not leave something he did not do that the offender has passed over the citizen in his car . There is no power but from God where God fleeing from these tyrants .onsah with weak hearts not to watch the video ,Video also shows the citizen has revealed part of his genitalia ..hkura to my brother Talal The participation of the video through the site Twitter
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International condemnation of the video shows the brother of the President of the UAE torturing an Afghan merchant
There is no power but from God There is no power but from God
Abu Ghraib Akhr..astghafr God
God is enough and yes, the agent Hspenaallah
God, do not torment us foolish Pmafl
Ialit if what I saw
Good morning Eachald how conditions
Life @ caught all surprised after seeing the video this is something very WASTED
To turn the power but from God Almighty God Acfhina oppression of rulers
God is enough and yes, the agent I felt myself that we are back to ignorance or we in the palace of palaces oppressors Albven no religion is comprehensive and I hope to check the UAE in this crime and the offender shall be punished no matter what the prince or other injustice darkness on the Day of Resurrection ……..
Tawfiq Sadilawi @ Amen Lord of the Worlds
rayii @ downright ignorance that this beyond ignorance and this is a great injustice to the poor, and they punish anyone who was involved with him
I saw this video months ago and Olfdhaath remained firmly in my mind for a long time, what happened in the subject that video link to one of the channels of free and could not one of the media we have in the United Arab Emirates to speak even a word, and if so to what science one subject, for the information of the person suffering is not a UAE national, but .. The right word is said this video does not represent the UAE and its people and elders ..
Was Dmtm
Butterfly ambitious @ This video certainly does not represent anyone who is back where there is no room for circulating here and we know the people of the Emirates and virtue
The willing, will deliver its share on the afterlife… But my brother, I have a question always puzzles me and I hurt for him.. How to these sections that seep and escape from the hands of criminals
The willing, will deliver its share on the afterlife… But my brother, I have a question always puzzles me and I hurt for him.. How to these sections that seep and escape from the hands of criminals
The situation of the Muslims
Mesh hard knowing of Elly say Er Hovth is God and yes, the agent forced from Bs That is too all the elders in the UAE Keda Emirates beautiful country and its rulers the most beautiful country in which all Bs sweet and the Beast and our Lord protect us and saves everyone from the oppression of the oppressors