Tuesday , 4 March 2025
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Revolution treacherous

In the name of God the Merciful


God Almighty says : O ye who believe! Take not my enemy and your enemy parents Tlqon them with affection have disbelieve what hath come right out of the Prophet and you to believe in Allah, your Lord, if you did you go out jihad in Sapele and in order to Marzata ye to them with affection and I know what Okhveetm and what you said and do you have strayed either way . Mumtahinah 1


The Libyan opposition, which claims to want freedom from the tyrant, is, without shame, putting its hand in the hands of the enemy that annihilated the Algerians. 130 Sunnis and wants to ally with him allegedly to protect the Libyan people ...

The Libyan opposition sold its offense and it is the biggest cause of the blood that shed every day because they did not take into account the real interests of their country and they are now putting the whole region at risk because of their foolishness, short-sightedness, and their distance from the victory of God's religion above all, and their motto became the end that justifies the means. .

The strange and surprising thing is the false accusations and falsehood accusations and hostility towards their brothers in religion and neighborhood, and in return, shaking hands with the enemy and welcoming his invasion of their country

You idiots idiots Western countries are weakening you now. You and Gaddafi, whether they have their only concern, are the petroleum that you sleep on top of and you did not thank God for

Honorable Muslims repudiate your heinous acts and consider them a betrayal of the ummah, religion, honor, and history. You have stained your history and confused matters on your Muslim brothers. .

If we compare what Qaddafi did from sins for forty years in exchange for the blood that was shed because of you in just two months, then I say it frankly enough that you have drowned your country in a great affliction. God knows when it will end and how

You raised arms in the face of your brothers, who are also Libyan. You are the initiator and know the hadith of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace

If the two Muslims meet their swords, then the murderer and the slain in the fire,: This murderer, so what is the killer He said: He was anxious to kill his owner; [Bukhari].

There's no strength except with Allah. The Algerian people were keen on the enemies to stir sedition in him, but he refuses to sell his honor. His slogan was bent over, and the prairie forgives us, and he will defend every inch of his country, following his grandparents.


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About خالد ميمون

Algerian blogger. Technical Adviser in Communications , Interested in the technology community and religion, Codifies irregularly in a blog Daily Mail , With expertise in the areas of : Communications , Networks , Servers ,Web design dynamic and customized solutions, Lennox systems and open source software.


  1. The people of Mecca know better about its reefs…….
    Here you see that they have another solution.
    This is what the tyrant Gaddafi and the neighboring regional regimes and their collaborators forced him to do…

    I reject your reasoning by the verse and the hadith… In an area ruled by interest and spoiler
    Moreover, most Libyan scholars and intellectuals acknowledged the legitimacy of the transitional council .

    It is clear that the West is looking for its own interest. The Alliance is not a charity to protect the weak and needy .

    He will complete his mission and take what he deserves ..
    A portion of Gaddafi's stolen money is enough to cover the mission's costs

  2. The people of Mecca know better about its reefs…….
    Here you see that they have another solution.
    This is what the tyrant Gaddafi and the neighboring regional regimes and their collaborators forced him to do…

    I reject your reasoning by the verse and the hadith… In an area ruled by interest and spoiler
    Moreover, most Libyan scholars and intellectuals acknowledged the legitimacy of the transitional council .

    It is clear that the West is looking for its own interest. The Alliance is not a charity to protect the weak and needy .

    He will complete his mission and take what he deserves ..
    A portion of Gaddafi's stolen money is enough to cover the mission's costs