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Algiers International Fair …What this mediocrity?

In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. I do not know what is happening in this country. I mean, a large event the size of the Algiers International Fair, unfortunately, did not have a respectable promotional campaign worthy of Algeria's standing .

Even the simplest things miserable demonstration site on the Internet to the degree of untold and does not amount to professional never … Assuming that the United States is the guest of honor, the site's organizers did not bother to provide an English version. They hired exhibitors and foreign visitors to take advantage of the little information on the site.

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screenshot-fia safex dz 2014-05-29 08-43-02

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About خالد ميمون

Algerian blogger. Technical Adviser in Communications , Interested in the technology community and religion, Codifies irregularly in a blog Daily Mail , With expertise in the areas of : Communications , Networks , Servers ,Web design dynamic and customized solutions, Lennox systems and open source software.