الجمعة , 7 مارس 2025
الرئيسية > شبكات > Cost of Living Comparison Between Algiers, Algeria And Paris, France

Cost of Living Comparison Between Algiers, Algeria And Paris, France

You would need around 4,250.46€ (505,466.43DZD) in Paris to maintain the same standard of life that you can have with 150,000.00DZD in Algiers (assuming you rent in both cities). This calculation uses our Consumer Prices Including Rent Index. This comparison assumes net earnings (after income tax).

So Algiers is good city if you want to do economy.

Indices Difference Info
Consumer Prices in Paris are 187.58% higher than in Algiers
Consumer Prices Including Rent in Paris are 236.98% higher than in Algiers
Rent Prices in Paris are 380.50% higher than in Algiers
Restaurant Prices in Paris are 248.67% higher than in Algiers
Groceries Prices in Paris are 195.94% higher than in Algiers
Local Purchasing Power in Paris is 124.52% higher than in Algiers


المصدر: Cost of Living Comparison Between Algiers, Algeria And Paris, France

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عن خالد ميمون

مدون جزائري. مستشار تقني في الاتصالات , مهتم بالتقنية المجتمع و الدين, يدون بشكل غير منتظم في مدونة البريد اليومي , ذو خبرة في مجالات : الاتصالات , الشبكات , الخوادم ,تصميم مواقع الانترنت الديناميكية و الحلول المخصصة, أنظمة لينيكس و البرامج مفتوحة المصدر.