الأربعاء , 5 فبراير 2025
الرئيسية > شبكات > Incentivised Social Sharing as a Route to Monetization

Incentivised Social Sharing as a Route to Monetization

Have you been seeing more and more options for paying with a tweet, Facebook post, LinkedIn share or similar on the websites you visit?Can a social media share be used a monetization strategy? Is using social to get more eyeballs – and ultimately, sales – on your products and services possible?In this article, we take a look at how the mechanics work and how you can take advantage of this strategy.How Sharewall generates revenue for publishers Anders Haack Ibsen is the founder of a company called Sharewall. He works with large publishers of content to help them generate revenue by encouraging people to take certain social actions to get access to the content.As Anders pointed out, it’s difficult to get everyone to pay to access content. If you’re a banker, you might need to have a subscription to the Financial Times and your bank will probably pay for that subscription so, once it is set up, you’ll probably forget that you are even paying for it. The cost is so low for the bank that no one really cares about the expense.But for the normal browser of content, our attitude is that we don’t want to pay for a subscription service. There is so much content available for free, why would we hand over cash?With Sharewall, there are controls put in place that limit access to your content, but your customers don’t have to pay to get more access. In the example below, Sharewall is implemented on the Guardian website. After you read several articles, this pops up on the screen… continue

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مدون جزائري. مستشار تقني في الاتصالات , مهتم بالتقنية المجتمع و الدين, يدون بشكل غير منتظم في مدونة البريد اليومي , ذو خبرة في مجالات : الاتصالات , الشبكات , الخوادم ,تصميم مواقع الانترنت الديناميكية و الحلول المخصصة, أنظمة لينيكس و البرامج مفتوحة المصدر.