In the name of God the Merciful and as we expect that the tale Daash is an extension of the grand scheme of the new site for the Middle East with Andreasept publishing leaks to former US intelligence officer # Snowden .. Talking about organizing # Daash and those who stand behind Snowden said .. Daash creature of intelligence is supported by the American and British intelligence and the Israeli Mossad under the scheme called ” Hornet's nest ” Nest strategy ... Read More »
Monthly Archives: July 2014
Great hopes
The name of God the Merciful how painful it is to remember your dreams and your aspirations and all those things that dictated the day would bring, but you did not do… In those golden moments of youthful fills us with enthusiasm and a desire to do many things, and dream of glory which Snaish that we have achieved such high hopes, but the days of our youth go speeding without pay attention to them, we are a little -ala ... Read More »